Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to biajj's message

It's not hindsight, it's foresight, and it's what this BOD has been lacking for years.

Part of the sickening disappointment that is felt by almost everyone here, even by those of you in the glee club, is that some of these trainwrecks were obvious to anyone looking in the window. Go back and read some of the posts here, they chronicle the potential outcomes that eventually actually came to pass; in advance


OK, I'll play:


I like our Business Development VP appointment and this PR,

posted on Mar 17, 08 12:27PM

because it is a specific (enough for retail right now, imo) strategic outline, and it enumerates the qualifications of those who hold responsibility for getting us there. Shareholders finally have identifiable quantifiers they can use to reasonably determine if this particular management team (with the talents they bring) can meet these expressed objectives. If we don't already, it appears that in due time, we will soon enough "know what we own". lol ;)

My observation of our new leadership and their latest PRs is that what we (as a company) are contemplating, is a much more sophisticated and larger picture concept than what was previously planned, possible or capable under JT. With Goerner (et al) at the helm, PTSC appears (imo) fundamentally and perception-wise, a very different company than it was nine months ago.

From the PR:

"..committed to reposition the company through M&A activities.."

" leverage to, over time, acquire a coherent portfolio of competitive, revenue-producing technology companies strategically alligned to enhance our long term shareholders' value.."

Both Goerner and Bibeau have extensive managerial and operational business experience, and I imagine the BOD will be quite supportive of efforts to achieve this business plan.

Thank you to the BOD for stepping up to make this evolutionary change, and to Mr Pohl for his instrumental service to Shareholders.



Be well

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