Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to biajj's message

I don't disagree that there is SOME foresight although-after having gone back and read some of the posts here- this is CLEARLY just a tiny sliver of the overall paranoid speculation that is rampant on these message boards and if those of you who are working so hard pointing out a gazillion different things that were not done correctly AFTER THE FACT you are bound to be right once in a while. The proverbial blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while. In going back and reading some of the posts, I don't see a lot of crystal ball insight on EXACTLY what should have been done BEFORE THE FACT. I just disagree that all of this rhetoric is somehow some sort of positive inertia on the way things are managed with the company. I have tilted over into the bemused category with ALL of this message board chatter-you and the rest of the message board royalty who are now patting themselves on the back for being right even though - in, looking back through messages I don't see anything close to an accurate prediction on the most recent series of events. You in Nostradamus-like crypticism were predicting some sort of dramatic paradigm shift in PTSC structure or management shake-up. Do you claim victory with this most recent series of events or is there more drama to come? Do tell!

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