Silver Falcon Mining

Welcome to the Silver Falcon Mining HUB on AGORACOM (Edit this Message from the "Fast Facts" Section)
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago

I have a very optimistic outlook for the near and intermediate future of the least the good ones. All that PMSeeker says is spot on.

(I was going to go on the attack against one poster here that has quite the split personality ... and is nothing but a self-serving trader who actually put out a rumor on IHog once that was totally false but shook the stock trading the next morning. I can guarantee you he will not be attending the meeting. He is an example of a social psychopath...just like the ones in the corner offices. They will lie beyond discovery and still proceed. )

Now that I have not attacked anyone, lets see, what was it I was going to say? Oh yes, now I have it; I agree that we many longs are haggered from the long term challenges presented by SFMI....but not only SFMI. To say that I have been disillusioned by RK and PQ is better left alone...but then again, I pretty well knew this going in 3 years ago...and no one ever said they were stupid. However, in spite of all this, even if things had proceeded much more to the positive, ( and lets not forget that much has been undeniably accomplished) I really don't think the stock price would be much different. PM Seeker and Pic and others all know this because they know the JPM markets. SFMI is not the only JPM stock many of us own. It has been one of the most corrupted markets in the history of trading.

We can all cite several excellent examples of JPMs, and I know I am being redundant here, that have fared no better comparatively than SFMI...but not because of their own particulars. This is all about to not tomorrow, but maybe in a month. We are that close. The dark shadows that have twisted the trading patterns and prices of the PMs and JPMs will soon be exposed and exercised. As PM mentioned, watch the large producers that have broken out of their trading ranges and are uptrending....then the intermediates and the juniors. My pet theory is that the juniors with real resources are the ones that are most imprisoned...and we could cite many that are trading at less than net asset value, or less than they were trading 3 years ago when gold and silver were half the price...even though many of them have vastly improved resources. This seems to be so obvous that I believe it has become discounted. (find out what JPMS Sprott owns and you will be shocked...tons of them...and Eric Sprott has one of the best records, fund returns and is one of the sharpest PM dudes out there).

There are several JPMs that are actually producing wonderful cash flow stuck in extemely low trading ranges that are astoundingly low. If you doubt the power of the heft behind the criminality, then look what happened to Silvercorp (SVM-T) this last few weeks..a perfect example of a stock that is feared by the it was the subject of an anonymous smear campaign by admitted shorts that smashed the share price. Over 30 million stocks traded in a few days as the shorts went for the throat. Objective achieved. Here was perfect target, a Chinese, world class producer (check it out). Several respected experts have assailed this fraud and Raymond James reiterated a target price of $16...after it was driven below $7. At the same time today we read that FINRA is under assault like never before in the US for not addressing the incredible manpulation n the markets. The proof sources are choking them as the taffey stretches too thin.

Sooo, here we sit in SFMI quarantine, waiting for the vaccine to kick in...and it will. With the G-20 meeting this week, European banks being buoyed up via more leverage, options expiry on the 27th, ....and... trumpets please, BIG BEN and the FEd band of merry men once again garroting the US taxpayer (with an astounding new round of monetary stimulous ) by week-end...we should see the new "stimulous" kick in in late Sept. All markets will take off and all will be well. Watch the PMs have a nice run..and the US stock the US bond markets and the $US get hammered. Of course this is all quite simplistic but what the is gravity. (as an aside, the Chinese will be divesting even more of their $US into hard assets pumping up commodities, gld and silver).

If SFMI good news coincides with the near tide raising all ships, even sunken ones with treasures of bullion, I expect quite a goosing for many JPMs. Let's hope the SFMI good news comes later in the week so as to take advantage of the mammoth MOMO about to be unleashed in the markets. You know what they say...timing is everything.

Those going to the meeting ...have a very informed, good time and a beer for old Sinbob.


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