Igalop's Profile

Igalop's Posts

These guys are great

I'll tell you Carmine, when I bought my first shares of True Religion Jeans in 2004, there were 20M shares outstanding, today there are 26M shares. The share price went from $1 to $27 today. They make something noone needs and everyone wants. $300 blue jeans.

When I bought my first shares of SFMI in 2008, there were 65M shares outstanding, and the price of gold was what $6-700/oz. Today there are close to a Billion, Gold that could have been sold has been "stored", and then these headlines

"Gold futures for June delivery plunged 4.1 percent to settle at $1,501.40 an ounce at 1:45 p.m. on the Comex in New York. The metal is down 21 percent from a record settlement of $1,891.90 in August 2011, meeting the common definition of a bear market."

By the time these guys get their mountain producing, there could be 2B shares and the price of gold could be down to $1200.

What could be worse?


over 11 years ago
Re: New neighbor

Sounds great! Sorta like what SFMI shoulda been doing about 4 years ago.


about 12 years ago

"1 year longer than origionally planned"

Well excuuuse me. Try 5 years longer.


about 12 years ago
Re: also

Carmine, Its nice to see you back, and pumped up. As much as I want success, it is hard to convice a bunch of guys who know they are sitting on a gold mine with worthless stock, that the mine is only worth money if the management wants it to be worth something. Nobody is going to make money except insiders until they decide to go legit. IMHO that means since everyone at this point knows that current management is both incompetant and liars, when the family decides to step aside, repariate the shareses from the BVI account and get an outside audit of the books, we might get some serious buyers.


over 12 years ago
Re: SFMI has made an ass out of me....


You have always given Da Family the BOTD. I am truely sorry to have been on the other side for so long. For both of our sakes. The mountain has never been the problem. The theif who stole it is. I also think that you are not always looking in the right direction as far as who is manipulating the price. Those who stand to bnefit most are the recipients of the majority of the shares at these levels. You have been investing in the mining sector long enough to know the answer. Incompetance should not be excused in business, but this is no mere incompetance. These guys should have been arrested for misrepresenting time and again.

What is the definition af a Gold Mine?

A hole with a liar at the bottom.

-Mark Twain


over 12 years ago

What you guys smokin? I want some. So 1/2 the mountain is made of gold, eh?

How about someone else with real #s. BTW, at 700MM shares (by the time they stop giving them away) 25B is only $3.50/share in pm. Divide that over 15 years to get the stuff out, and I figure .25 pps.


almost 13 years ago
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