POET Technologies Inc.

in response to ahasja's message

Guys, this is old news. Sam sat at our table and he showed us this chip which looked like it measured about 1 inch by 1/2 inch. He said it had all the optics and electronics fully integrated. This would have been one of the chips produced which generated the news release below. The point which Sam was making is that the chip was produced independently by BAE without the assistance of POET. Now just to be clear this chip was very large by comparison to what Wavetek is producing. It would be about 100 times larger.

Below is the NR on this. It is old news. And when Sam spoke in front of the 100 people that were there at the after party he held it up and told a story about the chip which someone else should probably explain.

2014-02-24 08:19 ET


Poet Technologies Inc.'s proprietary planar optoelectronic technology platform for monolithic fabrication of integrated electronic and optical devices on a single semiconductor wafer has been used in the fabrication of infrared detectors.

The achievement of these devices marks a significant milestone in development, realizing with a commercial foundry the integration of both electronic devices (n-channel transistors) with optical devices (IR detector) in a monolithic process.

The accomplishment is made more significant because the Poet wafers used for the IR devices were fabricated with an independent foundry, BAE Systems' Microelectronics Center in Nashua, N.H. BAE Systems has produced compound semiconductor devices based on gallium arsenide for more than 20 years for use in its defence, radar and communications systems. This milestone, therefore, represents the integration by a third party of the optoelectronic process previously demonstrated in Poet laboratories.

"Having IR detection for the first time is a major milestone for the Poet technology," said Dr. Pane Chao, technical director at BAE Systems' Microelectronics Center. "BAE Systems' relationship with Poet Technologies is mutually beneficial in that we are able to supply foundry services while being exposed to this rapidly evolving capability."

Dr. Geoff Taylor, member of the board of directors of Poet and chief scientist, said, "Our successful fabrication of a functioning integrated optoelectronic device, using the Poet platform, should be considered a major breakthrough for Poet and the industry." Dr. Taylor went on to state: "This is a story about teamwork and shared vision, and the entire team deserves recognition for the work leading to this landmark achievement. Poet will be the future platform for integrated IR and many other device systems."

The Poet IR device addresses the need of military and industrial clients for uncooled mid-wave infrared and long-wave infrared sensors and cameras -- for perimeter security, thermography, medical imaging, automotive forward sensors and smart phone input applications. It has potential advantages over competitive devices in three aspects:

  • MWIR and LWIR detection in the same pixel: MWIR detection (two to eight micrometres) occurs in self-assembled quantum dots with normal incidence light and no diffraction gratings, and uses only the n-type hetero-interface within Poet. The p-type interface results in LWIR detection (eight to 12 micrometres). By combining both interfaces within Poet, MWIR and LWIR detection will be obtained simultaneously in the same pixel.
  • Lower device cooling requirements: Near-room-term temperature operation is another advantage of the Poet IR detector, possible because of the lower device dark current.
  • Integrated optoelectronic advantages: The devices provides for the practical integration, for the first time, of the optical detector with the electronic transistor readout and signal-processing circuits. Thus, high-density, single-chip focal-plane arrays are possible using front-side imaging, without resorting to wafer thinning.

Beyond the fully integrated monolithic IR detector, the company remains on track to deliver to industry, and specifically to its development partners, other fully integrated monolithic optoelectronic devices based on the company's Poet platform.

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