EileenTeahon's Profile

Started in management with HP fresh out of school. Moved on to hardware design and production. Spent a few years in the 90's working on the brokerage and finance side. I am now on the marketing side of the technology business.

EileenTeahon's Posts

I Wonder

Re: The options controversy

From.....a discussion on a Friday phone call...a suggestion was brought forth...I have seen this theory put in to practice

Question for the board.....

"Would the lack of insider buying, be somehow combined or co-claused into NDA's with customers so as (at this time) not to bring any additonal attention until something along the lines of a revenue/sales agreement is completed" ?

Very interesting interview from March with someone discussed on this board...


Re: Theft of intellectual property, secrecy, NDA's....and all that rot...why the need ? This was forwarded to me over the weekend and quite a good review...


Have a great week everyone...

over 8 years ago
Security and Sensibility

I wonder if this will make sense to some....and why your management team is carefully selective in everything they do and say, within as well on the outside.


over 8 years ago
Re: If I may re revenue projections

"By"...or "before"...2018..

Well written post.

over 8 years ago
Re: Market

Some people are....

Too busy..

Too lazy...

Too jaded...

Too ingnorant...

Too uneducated..

Too ambivalent..

Too unsure...

Too shortsighted...

To see what is right in front of their noses. Those same people will always "wish" they had won the lotto, or wish they bought APPL in the 1980's, or wish they had seen the signs.

Best just to look in the mirror and congratulate yourself (everyday) for being a pioneer, a trendsetter, a risk taker, you are a special breed, you shall be rewarded.

over 8 years ago
The King of Clandestine

Wozniak revealed that there were lots of trials involved in the making of products, all of which took place in secrecy. “Steve Jobs kept a lot of products secret when he returned. If everyone knows what you’re doing it makes you scared.”

“Now the iPod wasn’t let out until it was so obvious that this was an extreme step different to everyone else’s music player,” he said.

“People like things that are easy. With iPhone, the secrecy allowed us a lot of ways to look at it. Apple developed other phones, for 6 years, but the problem is, they just didn’t have that special gleam,” said Wozniak. “That’s what lead Apple to finally recognising that once we’ve solved the problems with the iPhone, we had a product that the world had never expected to see.”

Wozniak said that when they first started Apple, “Steve Jobs was worried that the big companies will jump on us. They’ve got more resources.”


A former Apple intern identified by Business Insider only as “Brad” recently recounted his time with the company, and he shared the story of one Apple employee who worked on the iPad’s display. Though he was on the team responsible for this key iPad component, the employee had absolutely no idea the iPad was being developed, nor did he know why he was working on a 9.7-inch display.

“They didn’t know if it was a big phone or a small laptop,” said Brad. “They had no idea. It wasn’t until the product release where Steve Jobs went on stage and showed the iPad that they realized this is what we worked on for the past two years.”

He continued, “It’s super crazy that they can make this work, because the different teams are siloed.”


Apple accomplishes this by closely monitoring work spaces, making developers chain products to desks, and even requiring employees to cover up devices with black cloaks while working on them.


over 8 years ago
New York-Chicago
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