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Quan Gork's Posts

Re: Realities of a startup in a trillion dollar world

Re: "Poet needs to get all its ducks in a row before leaving the trenches and storming the markets"

I am a bit sensitive to such statements these days. I think a big part of the frustration, for me anyways and I am sure I am not alone, is for example:

2015 Feb, Peter Copetti at the CIC "we have got sort of everything lined up, all of our ducks are lined up" (bold is mine)

That was almost 2 years ago. I personally don't put any weight in these type of "words" anymore, and I suspect the market sees it the same way. I am with Ark "Show me the progress of the Detector and VCSEL!!!". I invested in POET, not DL, and I hope the DL acquisition ends up making sense and speeds up getting a POET product to market, although given this has not happened yet, I don't want to think how long it would have taken without "speeding it up". My biggest concern, which hopefully turns out to be wrong, is that DL has just turned out to be a significant distraction. IMO, the focus needs to be on a POET product. Perhaps that is still a major focus and progress has been made, but we certainly don't know anything about that. Hopefully we will at some point.

We need some indication of progress with the POET technology (please!).

Good Luck!!

over 7 years ago
Re: A good reason to replace Si

tombot "Nice post Oz"

In all fairness, that post was from TF1 (Tannersfriend)


over 7 years ago
Re: Looking for a brighter 2017

"I think  2017 will better for us ,, mind you  I thought 2016 would be a great year with some completed milestones and some NRE cash coming in so we wait and see"

All I have to say about POET and 2016 is good riddance 2016. I can't imagine how 2017 can't be better, so here's hoping!!

Good luck!!

over 7 years ago
Re: Looking for a brighter 2017

"I refuse to allow your gloomy view to affect my optimism for POET in 2017 whilst fully accepting that good luck and serendipity needs to be with us"

I agree with Junkers and I do not think his intent was to paint a gloomy picture, rather more of a realistic summary of where we are at. A statement that is not cheer leading, does not have to be classified as a gloomy view. Yes, we can comment on progress (although we certainly are not in the know about that, rather assumptions) and can be optimistic about 2017, just like we were (myself included) about 2016, 2015, 2014, etc. The bottom line is that the current SP is terrible, and in large part due to serious mistakes made by POET management, IMO. Some delays are unavoidable, but some should not have been a surprise for these experts. For example, they should know about export permits, should they not? I won't get into the financing as that just makes me grumpy. Oh ya, they must have needed to do this, great, maybe one day we will know why? I am still very confused why we increased our IR costs.

I am still here, and I am also optimistic for 2017, but I may also just be a fool, as so far that has been the case.

An example of a previous assumption, tax loss selling, well that is now gone, yet look at the SP. I am here to make money, which is obviously a function of the SP. With reference to the SP, POET management gets a "F", and I can't imagine any one thinking otherwise. Perhaps this master plan pays off in a big way, so I will wait just like everyone else. Let's call a spade a spade. I would rather not be in the need of good luck, rather just plain execution, and now is the time for that. So yes, "Results Now" is appropriate. I don't want to hear anymore about "rock stars", "execute, execute, execute", "up and to the right", "expect results soon", "advanced discussions", etc. I want to hear about progess with prototypes and not silence about that for the next 6 months. POET still has set some goals, and just because they now have the "New Communications and Disclosure Policy", they still need to get things done. That is not an excuse for further delays.

So POET, get it done, timing is very critical.

Good luck to all longs!!

over 7 years ago
Re: Canaccord

Ark "Turr: how do you know it's oversold? What info do you have to substantiate your claim?"

Based on the definition of being oversold "condition in which the price of an underlying asset has fallen sharply, and to a level below which its true value resides. This condition is usually a result of market overreaction or panic selling."

We know the first part is correct, but the second part can only be opinion as we don't know what the true value of POET is. I share the opinion that it is oversold, but it is only an opinion. Unless a true value can be given to an asset, which is almost impossible with any stock without a crystal ball (or next month's newspaper), I would speculate that "oversold" is always an opinion with stocks, and can't be accurately measured with facts.

Just my opinion, a tricky question and answer - good luck!!

over 7 years ago
Re: Great Volume

At the close there are 670,000 shares bidding between 0.31 - 0.33, and 340,500 shares asking between 0.32 - 0.34.

Might set up nicely for tomorrow.

Good luck!!

over 7 years ago
Quan Gork
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