POET Technologies Inc.


It seems as if there is no half way here.

I had opportunity to watch this morning with some of our office POET group and with great interest. Incidentally I will do an in depth review of the You Tube feed tonight, theres a few things I need to look at like facial expressions and body postioning in conjunction with statements made (a hobby of mine).

Some thoughts that may grow up into full fledged posts later on......

The technical qualifications and accomplishments to date while quite stunning I will leave to better brains than I for dissection. I have my own opinions on those and they are far too lengthy and a tad too bullish, for the purposes herein.

1) Regarding dates and timelines, has anyone on site or anyone on this board considered just for a moment that the "public" timelines versus the "private" time lines may in fact be slightly...nay...even vastly different ? Variance of ....?

2) Has anyone considered that comments for public consumption in the tech industry are just that...for public consumption.....aaawwww schucks....maybe even for the competitions consumption ? Do I hear the competitors thumbing suspenders saying...."ah yes loads of time"...."throw some white sheets on those tables so they think we are working on something".

3) Has anyone considered that "IF" they don't get off of this exchange and "soon" that they will have an unwanted low ball buy out to contend with...or maybe even more than one...? The management knows, understands and no doubt is concerned with this phenomena, and is no doubt feverishly working to prevent it.

Which takes me to today's trading...as an example..if you were a chartist and saavy (which I am not) you have arrived at the thought long ago that this is the 3%'ers swing dream. Ah those ever present stop losses. Today was just a digital numerical manipulation of the news, lack of news, we are not millionaires yet mentality....etc etc. So that won't end and it won't improve until they leave this exchange and get to the world stage. The world stage is what they are building for and building quickly. So if you out there in real world land think that what was quoted and has been quoted as a datum for up listing to the NASDAQ is in fact real world....dare to dream...they require credibility and no Platinum to Lead level investor will touch them while on this exchange. Road shows, investor forums, town hall meetings aside, the management is saavy enough to know that and no doubt have been told that time and time again. Its coming and sooner than later and by design. But more brave (and security mind set incorporating) to present a perfect circular viewpoint to us.

4) In relation to the above and the remark of going on the road to do marketing. A very large factor in marketing (personal or national or even international especially) is credibility. Consider here please, they are making not just good or great improvement claims to the staus quo, however, they are making "Star Trek" like (in some opinions of colleagues) improvements that make the head snap up, the hair stand on end and the iris see dollar signs. So the fact the stock can't seem to get and hold a monetary erection, the fact that the exchange denizens know or understand little of how it works ands take advantage of that situation, and the final fact that they have not "sold a thing"....waters down any thought of a positive road show out come. Fear not...methinks that a different sort of roadshow presentation, void of retail but brimming with industry (what does it do for me ?) factoids" will bring in the hoardes.

5) Has anyone thought that the master plan here is being driven by a customer or customers needs or requirements ? In fact did I not hear reference to that very topic ? So if its a fact it stands to reason, the hurry up offence is now in the huddle ?...and the aforementioned date/datum direction has been dog leashed ?

Please don't think I am making light of some situations here, as I am not. I am only trying to encourage you to take a step back. See that it was a fabulous presentation, brimming potentials, with excellent slides, excellent narration, easy to understand and well thought out. Its a got upteenth potential.

Right ?....aaah "we are going to have flying cars on this lot by Q4/25"...gotta love the human mind.

But, but, but,....I can honestly tell you, if it were me standing there doing a similar presentation, I would have very carefully worded it as they did, and very carefully presented an outlook in to the future as they did and as is industry standard presented it in such a way as to have stability and credibility (theres that word again) as they did.

Quite simply that is because in my business, as in theirs, vaguarity, nebuloseness, ambiguity and "forward looking" are all currencies of the realm. Some with more value than others and some more misleading than others, and for very good reason. The eyes of the technology world are upon us, what better way to keep them guessing ?

While seemingly driving us crazy....better and more prolific days ahead bewteen now and the AGM in my estimation.

In closing...and nary a word of Synopsys et al....have they all but closed up shop ?....Hmmmm...disinfomation you say ?

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