POET Technologies Inc.

in response to Powered by Poet's message
Powered by Poet> Even people who I once admired and looked forward to reading there posts are starting to irritate me with blind optimism....we want results....no more speculation, no more dreaming, just give us results. -------------------------------------------------------- There are lots of posts to respond to tonight but I will start here and maybe end here. It is not blind optimism to try to comprehend what POET is and why industry would see the need to be part of this breakthrough technology. But first and foremost we need to be able to recognize that POET is a breakthrough technology and why. In order to do this we need the company to provide us with more information. That requirement is recognized by Chris Chu and at least some inside the company. They have a major task ahead of them and my conclusion (right or wrong) is that we are pretty low on their list of priorities. There are bigger fish to fry. Do they really care if the share price drifts if they know they are sitting on a breakthrough technology? Probably not. They don’t need cash they have more than enough for the short term. Sure all of the senior executive’s options are way underwater right now but that does not seem to motivate any kind of response to put out news. Let’s face it junior tech companies take every opportunity to put out news and for example would explain in detail every time a patent is issued what it means to industry and what can be gained from that IP ownership. But they don’t even acknowledge this. What does this tell you? Really think hard about this. What does this tell you? It means there is no blind optimism taking place in POET right now. Not by the senior executives that are part of this company now. The short term share price is not important to them. It is important to most of us and we feel abused that they would not have a greater interest in keeping the market interested and the share price trending in a direction that would make us all happy. I don’t think any of us would argue this point. Everything we think we know about POET is off the chart in how it can impact industry. Heck for anyone who was privy to the information provided in the royalty model that was produced some months ago this technology would be a total game changer to optical network parts suppliers. Whoever gets POET would dominate the industry. We forget about those past references because they are not held up in main stream media but buried just deep enough to avoid too much attention but highlighted enough to keep larger shareholders holding tight. Mazan is one of the shareholders holding tight and I think those of us on this forum who recognize what POET is and the opportunity it offers are holding tight. I believe the tide is about to change. I really do.
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