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Re: Other ways- FJ

I should have added - my responsibility, not blaming anyone except myself. My bad for not doing the same thing.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Other ways- FJ

My take as uniformed as it may be - big retail (probably Canadian), sold off to drive the price down and were the ones who participated in the PO. Where else would that number of shares come from? Conspiracy theory? Perhaps. All I know is how much I'm down and that I couldn't get in on the PO. Sour grapes? Maybe.

almost 8 years ago
Re: KROM: Worth considering.

Well put Scarey. I suspect many of us 'Regular Joes" who tried to get in on the PO were not successful. I also suspect that many of those who did get were those with connections and were likely part of prior PPs (remeber $0.23 pps I think). Last suspicion - some of those who got in on the OP are probably the only ones left still in the green.

It's alot easier to comment from that side of the fence.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Deja-Vu

On Oct 18, Strategic Trader posted:

Seen this all before.

Stock is now hugely oversold. People selling into the market to get a piece of the "Offering" + warrants and that in turn creates weak shares; and understandably so.

That being said, when the offering is complete, the SP will return to pre-sell-off levels as the dilution factor is already more than baked in.

You can read this like a book.

Not worried, frustrated absolutely, but not worried.


ST – I have always appreciated your comments. This likely would have better via PM but, given your post on Oct 18th, I was hoping to get your take on what has taken place.

For me, I’m having trouble reading this book.I have the same questions that most have on this board. What happened to “up to the right”, “shareholder value, shareholder value, shareholder value”, “weeks, not months”, “soon”, NRE is coming, balance sheet is solid, no need for financing????

Why would POET suddenly and without warning go in this direction and in this fashion? Dunno. The need for funds could be good (production ready, ramp-up) or bad (tech doesn't work, more research required). The bigger question to me is why raise funds in this fashion? If funds were urgently needed, there were other ways to do that without destroying our confidence and crushing us – long-time loyal POET shareholders (6 plus years for me, never sold a share).

Sorry for the repetition, as many have asked these same questions already.

I’m willing to be patient (somewhat) – to give the benefit of the doubt to those in management who I have trusted with my investment and am anxious to hear what POET has to say.

Skaken, rattled but still holding out hope – though, as they say, hope is not a great investment strategy.


almost 8 years ago
Re: Suresh Subhash & Others

After several beers and a sleepless night, I came to the same conclusion. I've come this far, 6 years now, through thick and thin. No sense bailing at this point.

Those who participated in the PO have done it to make money. I may not have been able to take part in the PO, but I can take advantage of the price drop. I grabbed 5k more this am at $0.34

almost 8 years ago
Re: World Series 2016

350 million people in the US and this is the best you guys can come up with? Just kidding Mack! Given what we've elected the past decade here in Ontario, we feel your pain.

almost 8 years ago
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