Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)
Re: Hello
about 10 years ago
Re: Hello
about 10 years ago
Re: Hello
about 10 years ago
Re: Hello
about 10 years ago
about 10 years ago

Wow, I really don't know what to say. I even wondered if my lack of posting is what got me banned as I really haven't contributed much lately. Wasn't sure if there was a quota of sorts for presidents? Anyhoo, I'm sorry for the disruption this has caused, like I said, i'm as clueless as the rest of you. I tried to log on weeks ago and it wouldn't let me, I assumed a glitch or something. But when I saw bigD70 post yesterday I realized it likely wasn't as simple as that. I am really touched by some of the posts over the past couple of days, I sincerely hope this incident doesn't drive some of our best posters away. I'll give agoracom the benefit of the doubt and assume there was a misunderstanding of sorts.

In light of my recent banishment (lol) I did have a chance to read through agoracoms 6 rules as I wanted to know what I could have done. Well, I can say with certainty that I broke 2 of them. Many times I used the word a$$ (these symbols are not allowed, sorry for using it again, it's just for example purposes), and I am sure I broke the other rule about using cap locks. So, if these were the reasons, I plead guilty. I will point out though that there are many others who have taken these and other violations to a much further extent who still live to die another day here at agoracom. Some as recent as today (I don't think any of them deserve to be booted though). Grey areas never work, we need to fine tune the rules, or assume zero tolerance, period. Nuff said.

What I will never apologize for are my opinions. I always try to say they are my sole thoughts and are not investment advice, but in case I fail to leave a disclaimer with every post, here goes. Everything I have ever written here on AG and everything I write in the future are nothing more than my opinions. I do not claim to be a genius investor, if you like what I have to say, listen, if not, ignore me. I'm not here for the fame and glory of it all:)

With regards to my thoughts on KWG, I don't know how many times I have to say it. I'm not saying it's a bad investment, i'm not saying you won't make money with it, I simply believe Noront is a better choice for exposure in the ROF. I will not go into why I believe so, i've said it all a hundred times before, but my belief is more about how good I think noront is, rather than how bad I think KWG is. Only in comparison to noront do I believe KWG is a 'bad' investment. And for the record, I never once thought anyone from KWGs management team had anything to do with my banning, I simply wondered if I had struck a nerve with some of their agoracom investors who may possibly still be hub leaders on the noront forum. If so, all I can say is I never, not even once, went to your house and started a fight..............I simply defended my own home.

If I have been perceived as attacking someones opinion, I apologize, but feel free to re-read my posts and take them for what they meant, not what you think they may mean. I won't, nor should anyone, including agoracom (it actually breaks rule #5, ie: bashing or pumping) tolerate total and utter bs that clearly isn't just opinion. Pumping or bashing, or most notably soft bashing should have no place on any forum. Opinions, I have no problem with, even stupid ones, but flat out lying for personal gain makes my blood boil. It's the way of a coward.

I've contributed many technical analysis posts over the past couple of years. Feel free to check my record, I have been very on point with regards to noronts trading since late 2013. Prior to that we were trading in no mans land with zero direction or hope. My timing with noront, as usual, was a weeeee bit early:) So early in fact that I'd like to think of myself a visionary, such a visionary that it cost me a year and a half of sitting on dead money:) Oh well, she eventually broke all that long term resistance and finally got on the right side of the trade for the first time in years.........and remains there. I still say TA is a better indicator of venture stocks than anything else. We as retail are punters, plain and simple, we get information way too late to ever be used in any lucrative manner. As sad and sickening as it is, fundamentals sure don't seem to line anyones pockets anymore. Noront is a prime example. Follow the trade, it's a better indicator (or at least a better predictor of future FA changes) than anything IMO.

Thank you for re-instating me agoracom and thanks to all who cared enough to question it. For now I will crawl back in my hole and wait for something exciting to happen. You can be sure once it does i'll insert my two cents:) Good luck all.

current djje again

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