Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)

So Harper is meeting the chiefs Jan. 11.

It's interesting that right after the announcement of this...and after Ezra Levant spoke out...all of a sudden mainstream media is doing a bit of digging and change of tune.

Charlie Angus the MPP of Attawapiskat stated publicly that Ezra Levant was full of Bullsh*t when all Ezra did was quote facts from the publicly available Now Angus would be best to keep quiet and hide to save face.

Paul Martin's recent visit to support Spence was a bad move.

If he had only gone and done just a little bit of homework ..he may have saved face. The link below available to all . Ezra simply pointed out what was available for ALL public to see. You will see the stock porfolio clearly on the site with specific stocks almost 9 million dollars. You'll see the 60 million in surplus, you'll see some ridiculous travel expenses.

Now we hear of "where are the missing receipts?? The info publically available from was eye opening enough!!

How do you have almost 9 million in stocks but watch your own people freeze in the cold. You sell some stocks to buy a new ice clearing machine but not focus on fixing leaking roofs where people live???

Spence hired her boyfriend a paid him $850.00 per day to do the books. $850 plus expenses and the audits are revealing a HUGE MESS. Where are the receipts CLAYTON?

Link to see Spence's boyfriend Clayton Kennedy's deal

My blood boiled when I went over the finacial statements. The slew of politicians should have gone to Attawapiskat to check on the people...instead of giving this so called Spence... the Hunger Artist ...the time of day.

Ezra also pointed out the sharp eyes of the reporter from Macleans. This reporter found Spence's boyfriend setting up a donation account for Spence. (Eating less costs money??). And Spence also made her regular salary while pulling her stunt.

Here's a link if you think I'm kidding about the donation fund.

Mainstream media should not have focused the Holiday Season on Chief Crook Spence She deserved NO media time. The focus should have been on the other 90% living under her mismanagement. Now look at what the National published!

what do think think when you read:

"Perhaps the most pitiful scene in the whole piece is the one in which Ms. Arsenault examines the masses of boxes containing (apparently useful) donations from concerned Canadians. Yet until Ms. Aresenault came around, no one had even bothered opening them up: Ms. Spence complains that she couldn’t get “volunteers” to do the job. That in itself is a damning indictment of the state of civil society in Attawapiskat."

or how about this statement below:

"Ms. Arsenault’s quick tour of Attawapiskat — a place that then was supposed to have been in a housing crisis — shows a half-dozen well-constructed houses with no one living in them. When questioned about this total waste of resources, Chief Theresa Spence has no real answer."

I hope this meeting on Jan. 11 will start the foundation of some change. I applaud Harper for not RUSHING to see Spence unlike the list of politicians who don't like to do any homework before they run their mouths off.

Harper will have to put some rules in place to make sure that any revenue sharing deals from ROF get managed properly and not squandered as in the case with Spence and friends.

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