Babjak1's Profile

Graduated Commerce major at U of T

Babjak1's Posts

telephone interview with Coutts and CBC before Sudbury luncheon

...interesting part at end after discussing Eagles nest..

Noront wants to start with a modest chromite deposit prove it's worth

wants to build a ferrochrome treatment plant and ship concentrate to the stainless steel producers in the North Eastern USA.


The one that pops into my head is  North American Stainless in Kentucky

over 7 years ago
Wynne's crystal ball

If I was Wynne and had a crystal ball and could see into the future.....


-I would befriend Mike Pence and invite him over to Toronto in 2014.

“Governor Pence will lead a Hoosier delegation on a jobs and economic development mission to Toronto on October 8, 2014 to strengthen Indiana’s economic ties with Canada and market Indiana’s business development success story. During the day-long trip, he will meet with business and government officials, including Ontario Prime Minister Kathleen Wynne, and host a business recruitment event for site selection consultants and companies considering investment in Indiana.”


-I would realize that the big two for the auto sector in the USA are Michigan and Indiana.

I would become buds with Pence and Rick Syder(Michigan)

-I would look for other projects to push the ROF material supply. I would think about the NACE article that mentioned stainless steel for bridges is the way to go.

- I would get involved in the Gordie Howe Bridge-Windsor Michigan project.

The $2.1 billion bridge financed by Canada "is moving full speed ahead," said Doctoroff on Wednesday, April 20, during a panel presentation in Lansing coordinated by Michigan State University's Institute for Public Policy and Social Research.

-I would pray for delays for this bridge's construction ...that would allow me to use Canadian chromite to make the stainless steel.

Ambassador Bridge owner Manuel “Matty” Moroun has been a longtime, vocal opponent of the Gordie Howe International Bridge, which is intended to be a public crossing, owned by a Canadian Crown corporation called the Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority. The Ambassador is the busiest border crossing between the U.S. and Canada in terms of trade volume.

Lawsuit Details


In the lawsuit, the companies, which include the Detroit International Bridge Co., which runs the Ambassador, argue that Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder acted illegally when he worked out a deal with the Canadian government to fund construction on the American side of the bridge, without the approval of the Michigan legislature.

over 7 years ago
Re: Champion

Cliffs paid 4.3 BILLION in 2011 for Bloom.

They bought at the top of the iron ore market.

iron ore crashed in price .. ...

Bloom was sold to Champion iron ore mine for 10.5million plus an agreed 42.8 million of liabilities assumed.

Quite the bargain.

Now that fortunes are turning for steel...iron ore has started moving up again.

RCF is a shareholder at Champion Iron ore mines...

"Resource Capital Fund VI LP (“RCF VI”) who invested C$6.453 million by subscribing for 40,331,250 shares at C$0.16 per share, representing approximately 10.45% of the current issued and outstanding ordinary shares and 9.50% of the issued and outstanding ordinary shares on a fully diluted basis"

Fancamp also has over 10.2 million shares of Champion Iron ore mines and Champion iron ore mines has 22 million shares of fancamp.

And RCF is the largest investor in Noront.

All one big happy family.

I believe Champion fits into the bigger picture of the new Ontario stainless steel industry....perfectly.


over 7 years ago
Re: Winter roads to northern Ontario First Nations destroyed by warm weather

My amount of $17.81 in my previous post is completely wrong.

The amount of $785,000 was split 50-50 between province and federal gov't

The amount should be:

$392,500 divided by 13,982,984(Ontario Population)  
$392,500 divided by 36,286,378(Canada Population)

Big difference from what I posted .
My brain dead -Monday Brain divided 13,982,984 by $785,000 

Sorry for the error.

over 7 years ago
Re: Winter roads to northern Ontario First Nations destroyed by warm weather


In 5 weeks it will be exactly 2 years since $785,000 of tax payer money was given to study a "transportation corridor" that would connect  four remote First Nations (Webequie, Eabametoong, Neskantaga and Nibinamik) to Pickle Lake.

Every man woman and child paid the equivalent of $17.81 out of their pocket to allow 4 reserves to study this road. 

And yet, we get news of winter roads to northern ontario First Nations being destroyed by warm weather and the complaints by First nations about the high costs of flying things in.

The choices are....

go for the road  and stop complaining about the warm weather.


give back each man, woman and child $17.81 and continue to pay high costs of flying things in....without complaining.

Nice to see Tlicho First Nations moving forward with a plan.


N.W.T. all-season road to access First Nations community, mine


by DCN NEWS SERVICES Jan 23, 2017

OTTAWA — Three levels of government, including the Tlicho First Nation of the Northwest Territories, have announced federal funding for the construction of the Tlicho All-Season Road to the community of Whati, enabling development of a mine nearby.

N.W.T. all-season road to access First Nations community, mine

The federal government will provide up to 25 per cent of eligible project costs through the P3 Canada Fund. The other participating government partner is the Government of the Northwest Territories.

The procurement of the road through a public-private partnership will start with the release of the Request for Qualifications in February 2017 and will be followed by a Request for Proposals with bids from private industry to provide combined finance and construction.

The project will consist of approximately 97 kilometres of a new two-lane road to Whati, including four new bridges and one large arched culvert, indicates a federal government media statement.

Currently served by a winter ice road, the Tlicho region has overland access to the Yellowknife region and southern Canada for only three months of the year. During the remaining months, food and supplies are flown in at significant costs, with resulting food prices often 50 per cent higher than in Yellowknife.

Whati is located 50 kilometres south of Fortune Minteral's proposed NICO cobalt-gold-bismuth-copper mine, which has already received environmental assessment approval and the major mine permits for construction, including the 50-kilometre spur road to Whati. A Fortune media statement explained the road is a "critical enabler for mine operations and will allow the company to truck metal concentrates south to the rail head at Hay River for railway delivery to its proposed refinery in Saskatchewan for downstream processing to value added products."

With development of the NICO project, Fortune would become a supplier of cobalt chemicals needed to manufacture lithium-ion batteries used in portable electronic devices, electric vehicles and stationary storage cells.

The N.W.T. government is also working on improved winter road access to the communities of Gameti and Wekweti. The routing for the all-season road follows an existing brownfield land-based winter road route to minimize environmental disturbance and lower construction costs.

Jan 23, 2017

over 7 years ago
Discoveries of merit


This is an interesting link for a Jan.2017 corporate presentation from North American Nickel

ON slide 8, you will see the title 20 year nickel price and discoveries of Merit.

On the chart you will see 4 nickel projects being highlighted.

Noront's eagle's nest is one of the 4.

You will notice that Noront's eagles nest is the only one not sold yet.


Slide number 6 also shows you cash costs of some producing mines.

The whole presentation is a good read.

over 7 years ago
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High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)