Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)
in response to Old Joe's message

"Putting everyone on an even footing suggests that our BoD is finally getting SERIOUS about Noront Resources, AND are FINALLY Feeling the Pressure from More than "The Street", meaning the Small Time Bay Street types, to get their Act Together.

Big Time Investors will like this as it will allow them to look into Investing for the LONG Stretch.

No more petty Manipulation will be very good for ALL Investors, Most Especially for Retail Investors.

Here is to HOPING WES succeeds with this WORTHY Initative!"

The flip side to this is that they apparently are looking to slow the pace of drilling in the second half of the year EVEN further compared to the leasurely pace set in the first half of the year.

NOTE: Three Drills. Eight Weeks. Seven Drill Holes!

Thus, the big question I have now is two fold.

1. What is it that has been the case for over a year now that has both this BoD, as well as the former BoD, looking to ever so ever SLOW Down the pace of Drilling Exploration? Associated whit this question is a continuing curiosity as to the BoD Level THINKING/Advice being given that is driving this noteworthy Action.

2. How much longer can they, the current BoD, HIDE these Actions behind the feeble excuse that the Assays are taking an EXTREMELY long time bacause the Labs are "Backed Up" with a "High Volume" of Assays, only to have WES Quible on the matter by adding "And analysis"?

If Expenses are droping like a rock, as is being reported, WHY the rush to do the PP due to close later this week? Likewise, why all the LEAKING and Vague Description of drilling on DH - 49 - 09 and DH's 50 & 51 EIGHT WEEKS Ago? Just days to weeks brfore and following the appiontment of our new CEO.

Is it that NOW, Finally, Noront Resources HAS to become Respectable at the Behind the BoD Level?

Can I guess that the BoD finally HAS to begin ACTING Independantly of Whoever?

Thus, the last chance to grab favourable benefit from the issuance of PP Shares or Options? Where the PP is currently NOT Warranted, given the ever declining Burn Rate.

How long NOW will Share Holders be expected to sit on their Shares before the REAL SP VALUE Addition begins to occur?

Are we looking at a mild Run this Fall and again for TAX/RSP Preparations after which the SP will Sit relatively stagnant again untill possibly April/May 2010, Markets/Economies Dependant? Thus, as is so usual, the real saga here will remain the Money/Marketing side of Exploration.

Old Joe

PS: Getting prepared to enjoy a good Indian Summer this fast approaching Fall.

PPS: How are your Report Card Notes stacking up, to date?

PPPS: Am I happy WES DOES NOT WANT TO KNOW WHAT IS HAPPENING with the Company being CEOed??? WES, why NOT be influenced by the company you are CEOing? It May help in making a few decisions? Or, heven forbid, A Clear Choice or Two!

PPPPS: Looking forward to the BLOG!

PPPPPS: Sorry! TOO Many REAL Questions! No REAL Answers. From ANYWHERE!!!

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