Newcastle Gold Ltd.

Operating Gold Mines - Quebec & Peru Canadian Gold Producer with significant GOLD Reserves
in response to boberator's message

Glori just came back from vacation.

That said, i'm going to take a shot at having my rating beat up and ask a few people here a question they need only answer to themselves.

Do you want to sell CMM or don't you?......sounds simple right?

If you pledged your stock on igloo you need to ask yourself why?...... Did you pledge it because you want there to be a "NO" vote at all cost and want no deal to happen for the sale of CMM......there is no white knight so a NO vote means going it alone as CMM.


Do you want your shares to represent your displeasure with this offer and you will consider a reasonable offer if this one were to increase?......operative word here is ""reasonable".

These are two completely different objectives, whose support for one, is diametrically opposed to the other. Stockigloo is not differentiating between the two? This is a real problem and I'll explain.

If Fair-for-all (who is the real deal, by the way) is to work together with a committee, then that committee will need the complete and unconditional support of everyone pledging their shares for a potential deal based on a sweetened offer........not founded on unreasonable expectations based on the desire to have no deal and no sale. They are mutually exclusive and require completly different representation.....

You ask why Glori isn't posting, and the reason is that there is no right answer and whether you post or remain silent the one common denominator is that he will make himself a lightening rod for criticism. How in the world can a committee of concerned retail investors stand up for the rest of the retail community when at the first sign of challenge they turn on and attack the very people that are doing their best to help the greater community?......please answer that for me as I'm far to dumb to understand how?

Beating retail is just about the easiest thing in the world to do, as they always complain no one listens to them and then they turn a round.....scratch each others eyes out and speak with 3000 different voices.

You want to win? play this like the big get represent cut a deal.....and you get out! .....get on to the next deal and NEVER dwell on the last!

You want to lose? splinter......and you get handed the deal you deserve because even though you have far more shares you don't have power and you dwell on how you got screwed for the next 3 years when the only person who screwed you was!

I spoke with Glori for half an hour today on the phone.......I fully support his decision to hold off posting and worry about protecting his interests! What makes you think he owes you an explanation? Do you think you owe him one?.....answer to both is "not".

I had a few FWR shares.......I voted for the Cliff's arrangement.....I loved the deal!.....I took my Cliffs shares and I made a lot of money off Freewest and even more off Cliff's.

I'm not sure I like this deal at the moment......but I believe a decent deal can be achieved!................but not with this attitude!

Stand strong......finish strong!

I like the handle "Fair for All".......that happens to include EVERYONE....including the other side......that's how deals are cut and money made.

now get out your sticks and beat away on me..........carry

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