Primary Wave's Profile

Primary Wave's Posts

Re: Soros vs Paulson: who’s right on their gold bet?

Soro's is still betting on Gold. He used the money to buy Gold Stocks .. Goldcorp Freeport and El Dorado.

This bodes really well for the Gold mining sector IMO.

Have to keep in mind that Soro's is a trader .. he could turn around and get right back into Gold. That he is smart enough to take some money off the table is a good lesson for us all.

China's investment in Gold on the other hand increased 179% surpassing India as the worlds top Gold Market.

over 13 years ago

I worked in the field of Environmental Engineering for 10 years .. 5 years for AMEC. My big concern with the Tailings issue is that to me is that it reflects a poor relationship with the Government regulators of Peru.

Whom ever the Environmental manager at San Juan is .. that person should know, and have a relationship with the regulators. They attend the same conferences and so forth.

The way this came about (lack of a permit or understanding of such) seems quite out of order to me. If the company was "skating on thin ice" in relation to the tailings pond this issue would not just pop up out of thin air.

There were "dropped balls", here. .. both on the part of Management for not having better relations with the Peruvian Govt .. and on the part of the Environmental manager for not having better relations with the regulators in not understanding compliance requirement from the regulators perspective.

You do not just read the regs and hope that what you are doing passes. You should be in constant contact with the regulators (questioning the meaning of stated regs, and getting feedback on any new laws or regulations that are drafted).

over 13 years ago

You need to remember that there are hundreds of investors that read these blogs every day. Perhaps you get it, but there are many that do not.

CMM investors are frightened, if not in panic. There will be many that will be eager to get out at 50 cents and above which is not a good thing for the SP or the vote.

Calm words are exactly what is needed right now. Finskiy did "not" manufacture an environmental ruling by Peru. This is his investment on the line as well as the retail investor.

over 13 years ago
Re: Who needs this?.....

I went back in time and rated your previous posts as a 5 .. you are now 3.7 :)

over 13 years ago
Re: Positive Carry, please explain?

WTG has 23 M in cash and a 23 M credit facility 46 M

I do not think it will go to 35 cents either.. The stock seems to be basing near 50 cents which is where the long term (210 day) ma is at.

I did just sign up today but have been posting on Stockhouse and igloo for years as Giftedone.

over 13 years ago
Re: Positive Carry, please explain?

I dont understand the logic here. Finskiy and friends own at least 40% already .. how difficult would it be to have his connections .. if these are not in place already.. pick up another 10%.

Especially of the SP goes to 35 cents.

How are we going to dump the BOD when Finskiy is effectively in charge. The 78 Million shares registered on Stockigloo is not even 30% of the 50% required.

Conversely .. Finskiy and friends likely already have over 80% of the 50% needed to control the BOD.

Market caps of companies with similar production profiles as CMM are often 7-800 Million. With 46 M in cash .. realizing that production estimate becomes more probable and so realizing such a market cap becomes more probable.

With the merger that works out to 2.42/wtg share or 97 cents per CMM share.

Offer me anywhere near a buck for this stock and most of my position is gone.

over 13 years ago
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