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TraderJoey's Posts

Max ain't no Midas

19 cents and no end in sight....perhaps the hemmoraging will stop at 2 cents!

Poor Max thinks he has the Midas touch but with him it works in reverse and everything he touches turns to lead! Just look how he turned a $90 million investment & 6 million oz of Century gold disappear!

Way to go you arrogant basturd!

With the CMM/WTG fiasco, it will be comforting to see Mr Max laughed off of Bay Street when he comes trying to pawn off his Intergeo junk!

almost 13 years ago
Re: So, here is the Question?????

Observer, I personally will be dumping my shares right before the transfer only because of how Finiski screwed us over with the tax & capital gains. No way am I risking having to declare a gain on WTG/CMM when the stock could be worth peanuts post merge. Those idiots who negotiated 4.50 WTG now look quite stupid with it trading under $1.

about 13 years ago
3 Words




Ps. I hope he does do a 200:1 RTO of White Tiger with Intergeo so that traitor Peggy can get her just deserts (aka no more side deals with Max because he doesn't need her say-so anymore!)

about 13 years ago
Re: CSC - Where are you?

wow! that was quick. Thanks positivecarry.

I see no mention of dissent so I suppose we're all supposed to vote NO instead of dissent? (don't really see the point of dissent since the shareprice is at 25c and probably wouldn't get much more than that then, right?)

about 13 years ago
CSC - Where are you?

I thought the CSC was supposed to come out with some PR this week to advise people how to vote.

I got to get my vote in this week (vacation), so I hope they are not asleep at the wheel.

I too am confused about the first vote in particular. It says if you vote NO to the share reduction then the merge can't proceed? Isn't that a good thing then to vote No to both?

about 13 years ago
Re: This Is Canada, My Friends.......

OBS I think you are correct. If something was going to happen to the criminal conspiracy of CMM there would have been arrests by now. People get away with murder all the time and theft of a company is much easier.....everyone can be bought for the right price, even those who are suppose to protect the common man.

about 13 years ago
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