Chickyboom's Profile

Chickyboom's Posts

Re: Tax Implications

Are you saying shareholders would have to pay tax on $1.80 per CMM share even though they only get 0.4 WTG and who knows what that will be worth...maybe $1?

Since you are a BIG shareholder, I would hope that you vote NO to this idiotic merge and list your shares on the Stockigloo.

over 13 years ago
Re: Where did Glorieux go??

Glorieux wrote this on Stockigloo:

"I was told that financials will not be an issue this year at all. They are aiming to have them out by the end of March. This stock is slow to rise but wether we get an offer or not, this stock should be well over $1 in the next 3 months. We seem to have a perfect storm to make this happen:

PoG back over $1400 with momentum

Cashflow positive any day now

Commercial production in the next 3months

New 43-101 Resource estimate

Chart looking strong

Buy out rumor should also provide good support" - Feb 21,2011


I'm not sure where Glorieux is getting his info from but so far its been way off the mark. He was getting fed this info right around the time CMM was finalizing its bridge loan agreements with White Tiger Gold.

We'll have to wait and see if the financials come out this week and what the cash flows look like.

over 13 years ago
Re: Which were the most listened to YouTube questions ???????

Yes Ms. Kent's comments from the conference call last year was the missing link outlining just how far the board strayed from the original intent of the agreement with Finisky.

Good find.

over 13 years ago
Re: Listen to ..... Question 11., D.L., "....Why the Emergency Loan...."

I would have to think that the Canadian Business Corporations Act or some related document must make some sort of allowance, a grace period if you like, that applies when a Canadian director leaves or dies unexpectedly or even just on short notice, during which time it is okay for a company to have less than the normally required 25% Canadian content.


I can see how this would be possible, but Century Mining was in violation of the 25% since Peggy Kent left (july 2010).

While Century Mining was searching for the CEO, they should have concurrently been soliciting another Canadian member of the board.

Daniel Major was appointed in December. The company has no excuse that the 25% was in arrears for months after...and Scola's hasty departure AFTER all of the wheeling and dealing was done is too little, too late imho.

I question the legality of any of this.

over 13 years ago
Many Thanks Frederiction

Thank you so much for putting those You Tube videos together.

Its so much easier to navigate than trying to wade through all of the info on the Century Mining website.

over 13 years ago
Re: WTG is calling Shareholders

If its all just a game to Finisky, maybe he should pack up his chips and go home. Let White Tiger withdraw their offer and leave with their tail between their legs.

Perhaps then the CMM share price can recover. CMM would be in the 60-70 cents range at least without this stupid merger talk.

over 13 years ago
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