KWG Resources Inc.

Exploration stage company that is participating in the discovery, delineation and development of chromite deposits in the James Bay Lowlands of Northern Ontario. These deposits are globally significant source of chromite which may be refined into ferrochrome, a principal ingredient in the manufacture of stainless steel.
in response to MarlboroDog's message

Sorry to see your upset about sharing info to the small shareholders that i belive should of been divulged. As for creating the 300 share , you are right they could increase the 1 share as much as they want . Creating ther 1 shares and selling them are two different things. I believe the 300 share will cause dilution immediately which kwg will impliment and sell causing all the shares to go down very fast. The 1 and the 300. With all the pending news, some of which i have shared i believe that without the 300 share we will have time for the 1 share to rise shortly where all the small hard working shareholders can make a well earned profit as many have held for at least 8 years. With the implementation of the 300 share and subsequent dilution it may cause many more years for the shareholders to see a profit untill the 300 shareprice rises to over $9 dollars again. ( Maybe untill after the mine is built) That is if they bought at 3 cents. Many have bought and held from 12 cents and down. A 12 cent holder will have to wait untill the 300 share is worth at least $36 dollars to break even. Who knows how long that will be. It's a matter of record that i put $100,000.00 into the pp. Most got shares in liew of back pay. I also have held for over 8 years and would like those shares to see a profit if ever. Oh and chauffeurs don't sit at the big board tables and take part in the discussions. They don't recieve personal cards from company boardroom execs and get personal invites to personal homes of Chinese government standing room committiee chairmen as Some would have you believe.

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KWG Resources Inc.
1,140,494,718 FD, Aug 20/16
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