Golden Minerals Company

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in response to Edgy's message

My wife and I run a business and together we made $150 k last year. I work 60 hours a week. Out of our income I paid $50 k in taxes between federal income tax, social security, medicare, state and local taxes. That left me with $100 k. I also paid $5.5 k in property taxes and who knows how much in sales tax, gasoline tax, cell phone tax, and internet tax. So what do I get for all that money? The city picks up my trash. They used to pick it up twice a week but have cut back to once a week. Can't send my step son to public school. My step daughter was home schooled until 10th grade. She then went to public school and was doing drugs with in 2 weeks.

It is not that the tax rate needs to be raised, it is that the corporate and millionares who have big time accountants and lawyers do not pay hardly any tax. Individules pay about 1,200 billion per year in taxes while the last few years the total of all U.S. corporations pay less than 100 billion. That and due to bracket creep and the minimum alternative tax, income taxes go up every year just from inflation without Congress even raising taxes.

Sorry for the rant, but my blood pressure goes up just thinking about this stuff.

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