Golden Minerals Company

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in response to argoz's message

Hi argoz

I used to own a small construction and consulting company here in Canada, and spent lots of time arguing with the tax department (Canada Revenue Agency) about this very issue.

First of all, the only people who own moneis are individuals; not corporations or governments.

The only reason that corporations are targeted for taxes, is because the tax department depends on a steady flow of income every week/month etc. Corporations provide that, not individuals.

In actual fact, all monies within corporations, be they private or public, are owned by individuals.

In private companies they are owned by those that own the company. They have the choice to take the profits as dividends and pay tax at individual rate, or leave funds within the company and pay a lesser rate.

As for public companies, all profits are the property of the shareholders (owners). However, the company board, on behalf of the shareholders, decides how much monies should remain within the company for operating.

Any taxes that the corporate sector gets lumbered with, usually finds its way into the future cost of whatever the company sells (bottom line keeps all players interested).

As for individuals, they/we alone, pay the taxes that the government insists on.

Also, EVERYTHING the government does, every law it passes etc. has a financial impact on onr lives. It is the ONLY reason why government exists and why it is so attractive to individuals to stay involved (Ron Paul being one of the few exceptions). It is also why there is such an incestuous relationship between politicians and banksters.

That is why such bills as the budget and/or the tax code is so massive and any bill(s) that gets put before the house, needs to be scrutinized very carefully before being allowed to become law. This is where those in Washington/ottawa etc. start their so-called sleight-of-hand (corruption).

With only five full days to go before the so-called self imposed deadline, no-one will have the time to fully understand what's in the final agreement.

This, and this alone, is why Washington is stalling.

Good Luck to all!

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