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in response to jmreport's message

Hi guys,

I have to side with jmreport on this one. Sorry, just don't buy that this administration is worse then the last one. I don't really want to get into it, but I really can't stand the conservative movement whereas I could care less about the liberal one. The Bush administration and (sorry this is just my opinion) media loving morons like Sarah Palin and Glen Beck just make me ill. (Glen Beck wants us to believe that he didn't know it was the anniversary of the 'I have a dream speech'... give me a break, what a clown)

They talk freedom and the ability to chose for oneself while pushing their religious beliefs, passing tax cuts that simply killed the US economy, proposing the privatization of social security, loosing up environmental regulations to the point where oil companies looked away while thousands of welds were made without certification (there were over 2000 on the BP rig alone), started and waged two ludicrously inept and expensive wars, ignored black folk getting washed away by Hurricane Katrina, made veiled (and often unveiled) racist remarks regarding their president, dropped any pretext of regulation on banks and hedge funds, cavorted with and protected soulless thieves like Scooter Libby... I could go on and on. Sorry but Fox news and their like are simply voice boxes for the filthy rich who want to distract the masses by appealing to the lowest common denominator and quietly pushing their agenda. I have yet to see them do anything at all worth being proud of over the past two years. Anything... if they gain in November it has little or nothing to do with their achievements. They distract us again and again with fear of immigrants (in a nation of immigrants!), flag burning, mosques built near Ground Zero (WTF? So what... Muslims are responsible? News to me... Crazy wacko fanatics more like. Do you know that the word Islam in Arabic means 'Peace'? If they try to set up a crazy wacko church... I'd agree!) Flag pins, purple band-aids, freedom fries... dude they are embarrassing!

Like I said though- I don't want to get into it as I'm just not very positive about US politics anymore. Unfortunately I think the system is bankrupt and the best days of the US are well and truly past. So sad really... 95% of the wealth in the hands of 5% of the population was a shocking stat regarding Haiti in the 1980's, now it applies to the US. Who was in control the vast majority of the time? 2 Reagan administrations, 3 Bush Administrations, 2 Clinton Administrations with 6 years of the congress in the hands of the republicans (who clowned around with that whole Monica gate/ Whitewater circus). I still like Obama, I still think he's a good man... but what a f'n messy pile of rubbish he decided to get involved in. I feel sorry for him really.

What can I say though- in Canada we have the Bush-lite who just won't go away. At least I feel in Canadian politics there is still a 'civil' underpinning.

Unfortunately, the good people of the USA were sold to Goldman Sacs and the private interests of wealthy minority a long time ago. It actually makes me very sad to see such an innovative and progressive country start to drown in pointless infighting while the corporations raid the coffers. They say that the average american doesn't trust his government... don't blame ya.

Me, I'm happily sitting back in the Swiss Alps where we still have an economy and still have a semblance of a civil political system despite hiccups. Europe despite all it's flaws is still largely driven by a 'savings culture' (notable exceptions being Southern European governments and pretty much everyone in the UK). The future at this point really lies in the resource rich countries and Asia. Not sure how I feel about that, but the fact that my kids have canadian/swiss rights and can speak Arabic gives me some comfort.

All that said, I like pretty much everyone I've met in real life. I respect everyones right to whatever opinion they have and the right for them to speak about whatever they like. Just wish the Fox crowd acted the same... it might make the world a better place. Muslims building near 9/11... embrace them and welcome their right to practice their religion- isn't that the founding principals of the USA... what makes it a great country? They'd build a better tomorrow if they did.

Peace out


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