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in response to Mrsoul027's message

Good to see you still around Mr. Soul...we are indeed heading into an exciting 5 months. I also was not a Bush fan and the current progressive regime is printing us into oblivion and spending is 5 times more than previous administration. As for the threat of freedom , folks are finally reading some of the major bills and executive orders stealthly signed by Obama over the last 2 years that are freedom busters. It will be interesting to see if he can finish this term or can be reelected. Our bet is stiill very much on. As I have said, he has IMO an agenda to ruin the economy and the middle class ASAP [as per his marching orders] and could care less if reelected.

Please expand on your statement that those espousing freedom are actually trying to undermine it. Who and why? The 500,000 who traveled to DC this weekend to hear the the Christian message [Faith, Hope, and Charity] want the same things as good muslims and jews....freedom and opportunity. How governments control the masses is insidious and can be trumped IF the people unite.

For sure the USA has crossed the line of fiscal sanity into a realm of economic and monetary destruction. That side of the line assures a period of strife, as excesses must purge. This began in earnest 30 years ago [but was also tried with Woodrow Wilson and FDR] and has finally reached critical mass. I believe that the One World Order push will again fail, and pray that constitutional patriotism will assert in the USA.

ECU Silver DID act differently last week...but one week is only short term. Normally, G&S would take a 3-10 day break from here, but I see they are firm again today. Let's see if thay can maintain beyond mid morning.

I wish you and family the best MrSoul...and can sense you are a good man...would be enlightening to sit across from you and hear genesis of your idiology......pic

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