Golden Minerals Company

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in response to Babaoriley's message

OK... last post on the subject.

Firstly, pic don't you be going anywhere. While some on the board may not see eye to eye with you, your valued. Heck my rating was dropping constantly during our little discussion, so I guess there are some who don't like what I have to say either! I personally think the rating system should be used for how good input is, not based on agreement with opinions. I like what you have to say, what good is it to have a board where we are all of the same opinion?? Might as well join a cheerleading squad :) I like the long term bet for the shareholders meeting, I'm in... sounds good, only if you throw in a few beers eh!

As for Babaoreiley, I agree completely. I was once a far left winger, but came to change my ways with age and experience. Living in Switzerland is a great experience as they really have a lot of things figured out here. Like I said previously, have a look at their medical system... it was recently ranked as the best model in the world by high ranking US officials in an anonymous poll. Excellent care, full coverage, relatively small cost and private companies compete. You can google the company "Swica" for an example.

As I started to live here and to observe my family back home I noticed a few growing trends which pushed me away from the traditional left. Total abuse of disability payments in Canada by nearly every family I knew for every small issue imaginable. Doctors proscribing free prozac to everyone all the time (one guy lost his wife and said he felt depressed... they proscribed Prozac!!! Can't we just be sad sometimes?) The services are there and are meant to help those who can't help themselves, but somehow human nature means that the system gets abused. However, everyone should have health care... everyone. In switzerland that means that you MUST buy health insurance if you live here and the minimum level is very high by US standards. The government forces the private insurers to cover minimum levels and doesn't allow them to 'not insure you' or limit the insurance if something goes wrong, but there is a franchise where you pay the first 300 - 500 etc. just like car insurance. Come to think of it, don't you think it's funny that every car has to be insured, but not every person??

I would classify myself is solidly independent, but I do support Obama on this issue. I think he's brave as universal health care is so 'radical' an idea in the US (although every other western democratic nation on earth has it and it's very popular!). I just think it's sad to see crazy folks bringing guns into health care debates and (sorry pic) looking for false birth certificates (who cares where he's born really?? It's a technicality and has nothing to with his skills or intelligence... plus I think it's totally false.).

In the end, what I love about this board is that there are a number of extremely literate, intelligent and well intentioned participants and some very good conversations and information. Pic your one of them, so don't go feeling under appreciated. Now, I will quietly retreat and start planning my trip in 2012 :) Be great if some of the other boys join! Or... we could take a field trip to Mexico!

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