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Mrsoul, your perspective from abroad [Switzerland?] seems to be the preferred one according to those on this forum, and I have $10K that will wager Obama will not last beyond 4 years, if that. His approval rating has dropped from 65% to 45% for a reason, and from my perspective it is really about public distrust of his administration's all out progressive power grab for the transforming of America through an orchestrated economic destruction by the the elite who control the radical left.

And yes, the Bushs' were grass snakes as well. Poppa Bush's father, Preston, was a German banker who helped fund fascist Hitler into power after the orchestrated Weimer Republic hyperinflation of 1921-1923 as paper money became totally worthless....ring any bells? Nothing really changes as power, envy and greed turn the cyclical wheels of time. Few live long enough to experience previous money clensings, and that is precisely why they can reoccur.

By the way, Van Jones, one of Obama's first appointed and closest czars, has just last night resigned his Green Czar position after it was exopsed that he is a self espoused communist and signed on as a "9-11 truther" in 2002, claiming the U.S. govt helped to enable the 9-11 attacks. The press has barely reported this event. There are at least 5 other czars with radical left pasts, so the fun has barely started. Now I ask you why Obama would personally appoint these czars who can by bypass congressional process? These are the poeple he has chosen to enrich his ear in the White House. I respectfully submit that there is such mind blowing stuff going on with these power agendas, that health carre reform is simply one of many diversionary side shows.

Yes, Congress has been lobbied to corrupt excess, but they are now getting it big time from the awakening sheoples for spending this country into oblivion. This has been BOTH a Republican AND Democrat agenda. Yes, Medicare, Social Security, FDIC, Fannie and Freddie, and most banks are technically busted, but as long as Bernanke and the Fed can bid on their own treasury auctions and impose quantitative easing, the Ponzi scheme can go longer, but it will collapse with THIS administration.

There are throngs who will gather and protest next week, and the great majority never attended a political rally before 2009. Now how can that be? What might they see and feel from within that others dismiss because of donkeys and elephants and cicles and hammers and who knows what else. My country and its founding Constitution is being undermined, and only the light of exposure will stop this.

There are 2 men in this world who know more about history, physics, ploitics and culture than any others I have read over the last 30 years...Martin Armstrong and Lyndon LaRouche. How ironic that both ended up imprisoned on trumped up charges because simply they knew too much and could not be corrupted by arms of government. Armstrong has clearly defined the Eco. Confidence Cycle [public distrust of govt] pointed down initially into May-June of 2011 [$1700-2750 gold], on to Sept 2016 at $3500-5000 gold, then a final confidence plunge into Jan. 2020.

Others like Chris Story, with a large intelligence network, are close to the chaotic greed that propells all this nonsense, but the details are sensational to the point of almost being non-believable and certainly difficult to grasp. I am but a passenger on this planet...a free thinker willing to share. And Mrsoul, you and I are not so different in that we both CARE. That is more than ample common ground......peace, pic.

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