Golden Minerals Company

Welcome To The ECU Silver Mining HUB On AGORACOM Edit this title from the Fast Facts Section
in response to coach247's message

Coach does not disclose how many different PM companies he owns significantly, but about 7 is the number I like, simply because that's about all I can properly follow and assess.

One can almost add Orko Silver [OK] to his leader list, a steady gainer now pushing $3 from an early 2009 low around $.30. Other than GPR which is back up to $4.50 today, all my others had a promising beginning spurts like ECU, then faltered there. Some are even retreating from great spurts last year [NSU and SFMI].

Here's my point..... 2 of 7 JPM big hits plus lots of silver can more than make up for the late bloomers. Remember the old adage, "Eventually with high G&S, even the turkeys will fly". Well, ECU is no turkey, but it is doing a sea gull thing to fake out the fish. Once it picks up a full load, it will rise quickly. The turkey's must wait for the 2012-2016 tailwinds.

Can you believe that silver has been an 8-bagger since 2001? That is a 700% gain ot 70%/year. And we can sell it up to 10% above Comex price! I did buy those 2000 half ounce silver rounds at under $34.50 recently, and am beginning to wonder if the PM shares will even pull back from here. I parked the rest from sale of 40% of my GPR in XOM, awaiting an opportunity to buy more ECU and EXN, my 2 laggards with the greatest upside leverage potential.

ECU is up still 2.3 times from my average buy price [130% over 5 years]....a bunch bot at under $.30 in late 2005, and small amounts more from $3 on down at most every pull back down to $.40 in early 2009. I dont know how else to do it except to hold quality stocks and add on waskness, and overall, the shotgun approach works best now in this Stage II [accumulation stage]. I do not short stocks, and only occasionally use option hedges [a better choice for me than shorting].

In Stages I and III [piblic greed stage to begin I believe in about 2012-2013], they pretty much ALL rise, and the turkey get a once in a lifetime thrill. Coach knows this as well, and that is why he scraped the cubbard in early 2009 to guts, no glory ......pic

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