Falcon Oil and Gas Ltd.

Welcome To The Falcon Oil and Gas HUB On AGORACOM A global energy company with projects in Hungary, Australia & South Africa

A certain fellow filed a complaint with Agora:


"Really enough is enough. This post contains the same chart that his/her previous two posts contain. I do not know if this Hub Leader works for Falcon or just loves to post but I really do think that hundreds of repetitive posts should be a violation of some sort. I own 165,000 shares of this failing company and really do not appreciate this endless pumping of a very sick stock. Please ask this person to stop this endless repetition!!! Three posts in a row on the same day of the same old out of date information is really sufficient."


Really? This fellow owns 165,000 shares of Falcon? And complains against the only voice speaks for the company and the interest of its shareholders? Wonder about his motives?

Enough said.

Agora asked me to refrain from repetive posting. Fot the record, every post had new content, supplemented with very important and factual messages.

My message is hold your shares.

The three messages are:

Falcon's long-term investors: This information is Factual.

Falcon Corporate Presentation December 2014

By the way, the folks on the left side of this chart eyeing the shares on the right side. They can have mine north of $5.00 or more.


No sellers, just fake trades.

Same charade....still $2 dollars short. Real trades starts over $2 dollars.

How they do it?

Priming the sluice with their own shares to induce selling.....can't get no traction though, just $2 dollars short of to steer our interest.

Shuffling shares from right pocket into left pocket from left pocket into rear pocket and so on...you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours and so on.

When all else fails, they send in the tools.....and tell bold-face lies.

Why they do it?

They want the whole pie.

These guys would make even a shark blush.


The long-term investor just smiling. Sell price is $5 +++

We, the 13,000 long-term investors are not selling because......

Falcon's present value is $2.35

We have the same goal as Burlingame, Soliter, Sweetpea, Persistency...Keeping a keen eye on the one trillion dollars prize.

Target price is $5.00 +++

I commend the 13000 plus long-term investors for their fortitude.


This Board exist for the purpose of serving the long-term and new investors. The following information is factual.

Follow the long-term strategy.

Rule to long-term investing:

When you find a value stock put it in your portfolio and hold; like Burlingame, like Soliter, like Sweetpea, like Persistency.....

Keeping a keen eye on the one trillion dollars prize.

When big players are set to acquire a big position in a company, they always employ agents to accumulate the shares on the open market, then months later a transaction will occur between the parties for a healthy profit for the agents. On the other hand the buyer saves a lot of money for not buying it on the open markets.

This is how Burlingame acquired 105,835,269 shares in 2008 and 2009.

Burlingame’s 1st tranche

Burlingame’s 2nd tranche

Burlingame’s 3rd tranche

Burlingame’s 4th tranche

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