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Re: Keith Schaefer part 2

I respect your opinion about Fo, and I hope the future brings more prosperity to the average shareholders whose holding going back to the time to Hungary. Maybe we will witness a dramatic rise of a small company in the near future. I hope those, who bought in way before,(2005-07) come out ahead, making back their loss. Yes, this could be a new oportunity for Falcon to shine, and prosper.

over 9 years ago
Re: Keith Schaefer part 2

Hi Mo!

As you wrote " The situation is similar the one we experienced when partnership with ExxonMobil announced and the SP jumped to $1.4 from 40 GLTA"

This remind me the 2005-2007 situation in Hungary. Falcon drilled 6 deep wells, for natural gas, what supposed to be there, in South Hungary (5000-6000 meters deep) before the Exxon deal came up. These wells were very expensive 50-60 million $ at that time, without any "positive outcome" (in the end they could not come up with the gas as they hoped for)

Other reputable agencies like Gustavson said at that time, what looked like a very positive opinion about the Mako natural gas field.

"02/06/2006 Falcon says that John Gustavson of Boulder, Colo.-based Gustavson Associates Inc. assigned a potential resource of 796 million bbl of oil and 17.5 tcf of gas to two key Miocene formations within the Makó Trough: Szolnok and Endrod."

At that time (2005-2007) Falcon's shares were trading tens of millions a day, the price of $05-$7.00, way before the Exxon Deal!

As we know right now, Hungary is dead, after Exxon left. Australia, the next what promisies some hope for the shareholders of 13000+, to regaine their loss, and their hope in this company! South Africa is still too far in time to deal with it. The outcome depend of the political situation, what you can not control, and could changed in a heartbit for the negative, You can not controll a nation attitude for their laws for natural resources. It could change any time, and you can be on the wrong side of the scale without any remedy for your money what you invested in.

I am the gay who was in this game, going back to 10 years, hoping Hungary will come true, but it did not! I am still in it, and hope something will work out in Australia, maybe in South Africa in the late future!

over 9 years ago
Re: Keith Schaefer part 2

These are all old news, and does not explaine the share price rise in the last couple of weeks. Nothing really changed within the company from the outsiders point of you, as one of the share holders of more than 13000 as I am. Honestly I could not give a dam right now, because I am still way under the water with this POS, as the other 13000 and more share holders. I am with Falcon for a long time, waiting patiently to make some money on it. If I sell it right now I would loose a lot, like the other 13000+ shareholders. So I have to wait, half a year or two, or three, does not bother me to decide to get rid of it. Maybe the daytraders can do some positive action on this stock, like before. I am sorry bieng so negative about Falcon, but it was really had the potential to became a major oil and gas producer in Erope, latter in Australia, and in Africa. We still have to wait and see, what could go right to the share holders whos in it for many years.

over 9 years ago
Re: No longer allowed to post supportive and factual messages?

You never ever kill the messengers! Bless him or her to do the faundementall! Good for Soly!

over 9 years ago
Re: Hungary is dead - that´s the reality

I think you 100% right!

almost 10 years ago
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