Bravo Multinational Incorporated

Welcome To The GoldLand Holdings Co. HUB On AGORACOM GoldLand Holdings, Co. currently owns (14) mines situated on all (3) gold and silver veins of War Eagle Mountain

well its been awhile since i have said anything on agora, but would like to say that i have sold all of my goldland, sad sold at 13 cents. what i saw was it would only go down more ,so i just got out ,thank god i did. i have read what pic and bouts have said for years and its the same rah, rah as these suckers go down. i have been a long of goldland and silver falcon, longer than most of you and one of the few share holder that went to the share holder meeting last year. i was the one that pq said goldland will be 1.00 , i believe he said 6 months and i believed him, even bought more, what a fool. i believe he had give up on silver falcon at that point knowing what has gone on with silver falcon,know at .0004 and billons of shares, there is no %&$% way this stock will ever be worth anything to me or anyone else. if this stock silver falcon and goldland was going to be anything PQ or RK would have done everything they could do to protect the share price, all the prs have never said much of anything, never who,what or how much of anything. not the things you or i would expect them to say in a real pr and i mean a real pr. they new they were holding back the real news that we needed to hear and on purpose, even you saw that and looked the other way, hoping they would not lie to us, which they did time after time, but we still had hope, i know i did. i am with bobbyjo we have been robbed and it took me longer to figure out than it did bobbyjo, my wife said it was a scam more than two years ago, god i cant believe she was smarter than me. i still have silver falcon, what else can i do .0004 and falling. bouts , pic you guys are still doing the rah, rah thing, you have problably hurt a lot of guys that would have sold ,but did'nt ,so sad. i will go up to see bobbyjo and his wife kelly even if there is no shm, because we really like seeing them, and they are great people, also melba has the best chicken fried steak i have ever eaten bar none. hope this does"nt make anyone upset with me , because i like you all and hope to see some of you again some day. if i am wrong, i will eat crow and all the i told you so that you want to throw at me , but it does'nt look good at all . remember i was one of the rah, rah guys too. i might post again, if not its been nice to know all of you. i wished it could have been different, i really do. JIM ( aka cowboy )

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Bravo Multinational Incorporated
Reduced to 257M on 11/14/16
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