willsilvaa's Profile

Ex Can.CoastGuard and self taught stock player[mostly mining stocks}Started reading Doug Casey, and Prechter in '99,haven't look back since!Long Ecu since 2003...notwithstanding the slow painful price dissapation of the last 3 years and 7 monthsi ...ergo i am back working p/t marine equipment sales &boat mechanic.I make my own colloidal silver. I play organ{blues/rock} and race my 26' sailboat,here in Victoria BC Canada

willsilvaa's Posts

Re: Crash JPM Max Keiser vs Jamie Dimon...IRONY!

Did you get the irony of JD being played by Hitler in the video.i think i read some thing about Hitler being financed by the bankers,then when he started printing his own money they turned against him.

He had a quote,something like..."we laughed at the bankers ,when we realised we didn't need any gold in the vault" {to make money}...and now he's playing the evil banker role...in a plot to crash the evil bankers....anyway very amusing vid.

On another topic I hope this wikileak thing doesn't destroy our internet access. We need this very powerful knowledge" weapon" in our hands. I would not doubt that wikileaks is a cleverly designed 'red herring" operation.Designed to take away more of our free world ,piece by piece

Problem,reaction,solution. I better stop on that topic.

I have been very pleased to see the precious metal mutual funds do a running correction,recently. I am sure this would be be the correct analysis.You look at the top pm mut.funds.A beautiful ABC running correction,each leg has a smaller three wave pattern,ending with ahigher low...then break out .I think as the pmfunds' go up,so follows the jpm sector.

Great to see 5 million shares trade today...of course2 seconds till close,someone sells 100 shares. i'll get over it

...and what aboutthat "Gamboni"vein....thanks Michel,nice results

almost 14 years ago
Stewart Thompson on321gold...ECU is a takeover target!

Hi Guys and Gals; Happy tuesday.

check out Mr. Thompsons' article . He likes ECU

almost 14 years ago
Re: The fit is hittin' the shan!

Hi Pic ,All; Did you see Max Keiser yesterday....he is interviewed by a Muslim woman via broadband,she was in Tehran! Anyway, Max has a new angle,one that i{certainly} didn't consider.I believe he knows what he is talking about,even if he does "ham" it up a bit on some of his shows..

Find the Max Keiser show on 321gold. Also see Richard Russells latest,now on that site.

He was getting quite vociferous during some of the interview. You gotta hear the interview,he is saying people OUTSIDE the US want retribution,they are very angry at the way Wall st. and the FED {and others} have ripped them off etc.. anyway Max called Gold and silver up NOW

Other than that, i noticed the HUI at 533. Is that an alltime high? Crikey. Just looked at a bunch of charts on stockcharts dotcom.Now that is a great site. But,it all seams soo surreal.

Charts for gold, silver ,the hui and others,are showing encredble tenacity and from about august 23 it seems like an escalator has been propelling them. Beautiful 50 day crosses.RSI pulling back.Today Big volumes spell big money arriving, i believe.

Anyway ,it all seems surreal to me ...like silver $24 and this board is so quiet...so to speak.

Thanks to all you steady writers btw .....still looking for that marvellous $24 ecu chart someone "extrapolated" wayback when...

almost 14 years ago
Re: Bid = 71, Ask = 73....Willsilvaa says..

that was me manipulating at 3 57"......i was trying to make her greener for the day. So i bought 2k at market,funny thing it showed in my account pretty quickly,as a "filled' order. However,it seemed like a big delay before an updated ecu price was displayed...thus robbing us of viewing the last few minutes of trading......anyway ,the display didn't show my buy at market but showed the two sells at market,at 3 52 and 3 59 repectively.

then again i probably missed it. Gotta be lucky to get that last trade of the day..eh?

Getting mildly enthused with miner action of late{pardon the pun}.I guess thats why i am mildly enthused. Gun shy is probably a better phrase. The rally in pm's since august 23 has been relentless,which is very good. I watch the big pm mutual funds,i think they are a good yardstick for our sector{maybe the big money goes there first} . What gorgeous charts they are,very stair step progression. I cannot see the volumes but the assett value i see,and its growing.Soon the money should get to this sector and any thing with the word silver in it.

Good bye $22 silver Hello $23...tick tock

Ps can someone please find and post that most awesome bit of ECU porn,yes i mean the secular chart that projected ecu at $24 per share.


almost 14 years ago
Pop...Ecu closes UP....1.39%......obs...

Hello everyone,great discussions as usual.i just wanted to add my two {pre '64}bits worth.Even though I am feeling more "precious" lately,i'll try to write something useful .

Yes , a bit of humour.We all need more,i think.I was thinking with all the "agro" lately we have to be close to the bottom,pychologically speaking. I haven't looked at the hui/gold ratio lately but the mindset of this sector is still hurting....{can you say 4 1/2 years}.ok maybe its just me. Anyway,i think we have a great group and an excellent web host. I think we should add one more rule.......Always write messages as if the recipient is Mike Tyson and he's thinkin' you dissed him!

So..my apologies to Scout, i don't mean to swear when i use wtf or @#$%&*. I will keep my writing cordial ! {had to check the dictionary...its not the drink}

Today at 3 59 52" some one grabbed ~30k shares at Ask {.73} THANk YOU ,typically we were seeing the oppisite at closing bell. Maybe...we will start to see more buying pressure.Maybe the game is changing with silver now flirting with $22

I am very concerned with this "naked shorting" in our sector .I would like more discussion about how to stop this.Should management issue a token dividend payment to weed out the "phantom" shares? Would this work? Howabout ECU gets a bunch of peers together and makes a statement..."we're coming after the naked shorts" Darn.. back to work....Will

about 14 years ago
Hey Scout WTF are you....

talking about?

Someone writes "Obama schooled by black business women" and you get offended?

And what does this have to do with the Tea Party?

What part of the phrase bugged you,the word schooled {meaning "educated" or taken to task} or the word black?

I took the phrase to mean......Obama is doing such a poor job,black Americans are now asking serious questions.

Am i racist maybe i am missing something. I like the word "schooled" { it is slang though}

Highlighting the fact that a "black" business women "tore a strip off him", is ,i believe, acceptable.However, I did not see the interview.

Anyway,i think you are making too much out of one phrase.

..FAAAAAAACK $21 per ounce! God Bless JS& Adrian D,Gata,Ted Butler etc... Did you see the last ECU sell...right near closing 5 buys at market{ask} then someone sells 100 shares at the bid,at 3.59.50". can't have it close neutral or positive....gotta be RED. &*%$#$#@

about 14 years ago
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