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Re: Good buying at the ask today, but the devil's driving this bus

Pic and all

I can't help but wonder if there might be an incentive for someone to keep the share price down until the financing deal (assuming one is coming) is completely negotiated and signed. If any of the debt is being structured in a way that makes it potentially convertible into shares at some point in the future then a low share price at the time the deal is being crafted is a huge negotiating advantage for the lender. If this were the case it would explain why the share price is incessantly wacked back down and allowed to show no signs of life even with all the positive rumors of a financing deal being imminent.

Oh, by the way, I've been wanting to say for a long time that Parkland does not pass the smell test for me. The stench of a poorly dsiguised I-Hub infiltrator dominates nearly every one of his posts. There are a lot of disgruntled share holders here (including myself) but his posts suggest a deeper and more sinister agenda. He knows how to pile it up so it looks a little nicer but it still smells the same. JMHO

Mr Z (AKA - Silver Falcon from long ago at I-Hub)

over 11 years ago
Re: Here you go Z. Where are the drills anything?...Z and Hornet


I don't believe you and I have had the pleasure of meeting yet because business obligations have not allowed me to attend the last two shareholders meetings. Let me give you a little history. I have been here longer than anyone that I am aware of because my initial shares of SFMI were awarded to me as converted shares from PQ's previously failed company (DICUT). SFMI was born when the mining claims of WEM were dumped into the corporate shell from DICUT. I have been a significant investor in 3 different companies that RK has represented over the last 8 or 9 years. As a result I have known PQ and RK at least as long, and likely longer, than anyone else here.

Without being specific, I am one of the largest, if not the largest, SFMI share holder on this board. I think Pic owns a similar number but his are split between SFMI and GHDC.

Let me make it crystal clear that I remain long and strong in my investment in SFMI and still believe the company will in the end succeed and we will all be well rewarded for being patient and long suffering. In fact, as I mentioned in a previous post I have in recent weeks added about 500,000 additional shares to my holdings. All this to say I don't appreciate your condescending tone which seemingly implies that I might be some newbie doubt mongering infiltrator from I-Scum.

My analysis of SFMI is simple. I believe if PQ ever does secure the needed financing to commence a drilling program (and I believe he will) we are all "GOLDEN!". Many mistakes have occurred along the way and some less than true representations have been made but Lord willing in the end the rich reserves that I personally believe exist in WEM will overwelm all the misteps.

To answer your question about whether drill rigs are currently on site or will be soon I have absolutely no idea. Sadly, part of the reason I have no idea is because based on many years of personal experience I have learned to take much of what RK says as unreliable. I agree with you that an unreliable PR guy is a "big problem" and I believe it must be included on the list of reasons why the share price is currently so illogically low. But don't expect RK to be removed from his role any time soon. I suspect many here are not aware that RK is the one who brought the whole War Eagle Mountain deal to PQ. Without RK SFMI does not exist.

Now back to the drill rigs. I'm not saying the pictures "prove" RK's statements are false. I will gladly admit that before I wrote my last post I had not considered the possibility that the drill rigs might be inside the Sinker Tunnel to keep them secure and out of the weather. It is an excellent and very plausible thought by whoever suggested it. I along with all of you would rejoice if this turns out to be the case. Drill rigs are expensive pieces of equipment and they are in high demand right now so it is unlikely they would be sitting there idle for a lengthy period of time. If the drill rigs are there then drilling will almost certainly happen some time soon.

I know it's a little early but let me be the first to wish everyone a Merry CHRISTMAS!

Mr. Z (AKA. Silver Falcon)

almost 12 years ago
Re: Here you go Z. Where are the drills anything?


Thanks so much for taking the time to go check on the truth of what Rich told me. Frankly I was almost certain the drill rigs were not there based on how the conversation went. That's why in my original post I said something like "When I challenged him about it he hesitated and then said "that's what I've been told." Which I took to mean when it turns out to not be true I can blame it on someone else.

I also said in my previous post that I have not talked with Rich for a long time because over the years so many things he has told me have turned out to untrue.

Bobby, we all owe you a lot for your help in verifying things like this. We really appreciate it!

Mr. Z (AKA - Siilver Falcon)

almost 12 years ago
Kaizer says drill rigs are on sight

Greeting to all my faithful fellow longs

It's been a long time since I have posted but I am a constant voyer of all that is said here. You long timers will remember me as a large shareholder who at one time was a very active warrior defending our investment from the scum on I-Hub under the handle "Silver Falcon".

It has been quite some time since I bothered to call Rich Kaizer because over the years I have found my conversations with him to be less than helpful and in some cases down right misleading. However, I felt an obligation to all of you faithful longs to inform you of what he told me just a few minutes ago. Rich told me that "Drill rigs are on site at the sinker tunnel". When I pressed him on it he hesitated a bit and then said "That is what I have been told." He also said that they were nearing the end of the rock bolting process and hoped to get the necessary sign offs for blasting the drill room soon. It would be great if Ouri or Bobby had time to go check this out and take some pictures. I cannot speak for the reliability of this but I'm simply passing on what he told me.

While I am as frustrated as all of you are about the delays and current share price I will say that I am far from having lost hope and I have been a buyer of an additional half million shares in recent weeks.

I still believe in the end the historical data will prove to be valid and the mountain will contain millions of ounces of Gold and silver. If we do finally get some drill results in the first half of 2013 the timing could be perfect timing for a strong run up in stock price with Gold and silver prices rising quickly as they finally begin to break free from the incessant manipulation they have endured for several decades.

I wish you all a happy and blessed 2013

Mr Z (AKA - Silver Falcon)

almost 12 years ago
Re: GHDC.....Z


I'm really sad I won't be able to come to the shareholders meeting. I was looking forward to seeing you and other faithful longs again.

I agree that it appears BOUTS became convinced of the merits of GHDC quite a few years ago. For some reason he does not appear to be willing to discuss how drastically the set of facts surrounding the relationship between SFMI and GHDC have changed from when PQ originally set the whole thing up and gave himself all those shares of GHDC. In the last 2 or 3 years the situation has completely changed for two primary reasons.

The first major change was the acquisition of the SINKER TUNNEL. This gave SFMI year round access to veins all throughout the mountain for which GHDC has no claim.

The second development was the addition of multiple claims covering more then 1000 acres that are 100% owned by SFMI. When SFMI was first created all they had were the GHDC claims. Now those GHDC claims are only a small fraction of what they have access to. And it sounds to me (here comes an opinion) that they are more likely to begin with drilling and mining through the SInker Tunnel than up on top of the mountain. So it seems difficult to predict when GHDC might actually see any 15% royalties.

Silver Falcon

about 12 years ago
Re: Silver Falcon


Is there some substantive dialogue you would like to have about my post? Can you please point out any significant aspect of my post that is as you characterize it "opinion"? I have simply stated the FACTS as I understand them. If my understanding or presentation of the facts are incorrect then I welcome being corrected. I am an honest and genuine truth seeker rather than a simple cheer leader.

You have repeatedly insisted that GHDC will be the "big winner in the end". Now that truly is nothing more than an opinion for which you have provided absolutely no logical and factual support.

I certainly do not want to be "perpetuallly ignorant" as you suggest I am. So please enlighten me with some facts to cure my ignorance.

Silver Falcon

about 12 years ago
Mr Z
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