St. Elias Mines

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in response to Santa Clause's message

Dear Santa,

I would like to point out this part of your post;

"You mentioned that you tried to contact Lori several times. I can understand why she would not want to speak with you so perhaps you can send her and e-mail and try to open communication that way."

I have put below where I said I had even tried email, you must have overlooked this part of my post. Sometimes, detail can be important, and considerable value may be lost as a result. I try to present a perspective to the best of my abilities, but I am not responsible for the interpretations of the reader or perhaps their haste in examination of such.

"I have reached out to her several times in the recent past, to no avail, and my intentions were/are to help our company. I have emailed her and even phoned here, no reply yet, but I do feel she may contact me at some point so that we may find a solution. If she needs my help, I am here, and will offer the best I can offer, with no bias or judgemental perspective projected. This should not be misconstued as an egotisticle act, but merely an offer of help and perhaps unity. I don,t feel that Lori is a bad person, I believe influences and perhaps even temptation in a good way has clouded her judgement and from realizing who she really is inside. I hope she accepts my help."

You say you can understand why she would not wish to speak with me, why? My perspective on the "act" of not speaking with me is as follows.

1) It doesn,t present a logical or rational reasoning, how can things be resolved without communication? Lori is intelligent and knows that seperation in any instance of problem solving is detrimental. For clarity; if both parties of a dispute do not talk, how can there ever be a compromise or solution? By Lori not communicating with me, it is also limiting her options and perhaps favourable outcomes. So, in all reality, this is hurting Lori even more, by not communicating.

2) Without passing judgement, but clearly detailing the current circumstance surrounding the open PP at this time, there appears little effort to fill it. There are still shareholders that I know of that have asked for information so that they would be able to participate in the PP, but have received nothing yet.Again, a blatant act of non communication which is damaging the company. Any company with the desire to secure funding, especially at this precarious time, would not limit their options and open all avenues towards filling the PP. The last we heard, was a news release saying that management would give til the end of Nov to get the PP filled. Here it is Jan, no news on the PP and pkgs not sent out to prospective participants. Its not hard to see how one could consider this incompetence and perhaps even intentional. If we examine an "intentional" aspect, this would demonstrate quite clearly that she may be trying in destroying the company and the little bit of value shareholders have left. Not only is this "not in the best interests of shareholders", it is certainly a breach of fudiciary duty and this blatancy does not have to be proven in court, whereas the regulators have the power to remove the current BOD in a heart beat.

So Santa, I agree with you in not hurting the company, but it is not the shareholders that are hurting the company, its the present BOD, the regulators,and our politicians, and your concerns should be pointed there, rather at the ones that are standing up against all odds and are supporting the company and our investment. I ask you to join us in standing up, for the truth, supporting and protecting your investment.

thank you


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