St. Elias Mines

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in response to Santa Clause's message

Dear Santa and Lori,

Nothing is impossible in this world, its when one believes there is impossibility, then impossibility is created. When one believes nothing is impossible, then it dissolves. And please have a broadened perception to digest what I convey. A quick route to comprehension of my statement, would be, man cannot fly, it was considered impossible, but, we know they can fly, just not in the way they thought,yet. The point being, a solution was found to allow them to fly.

The pending legal action of being perhaps an excuse of broken communication, is totally irrelevant. It should be examined how damaging silence is to resolution when a legal contract is introduced into the picture. This sort of destruction that legal action adds and burdens a situation, is apparent with the dissidents proceedings. By advise from legal council, the Hastmans were told to have no communication with me, whereas I was conjointly named in a suit of conspiracy. The severance of communication in this respect, may have resulted in the dissidents losing the case, whereas evidence was found of a couple things that never came into their posession while waiting for the hearing. Namely, discrepencies in the voting practise in regard to the White Proxy, and misrepresentation in the White Proxy circular. Either one of those, or the two combined, may have compelled the judge to call a new vote, although we still have to consider what we believe as a nearsighted position on his part, whereas he didnt employ a mechanism that took into account the betterment of the whole. Arbitration may have been beneficial to all involved, but whereas it too, was not employed, places a degree of suspicion on the judicial system.

The White Proxy incident may still be used in the future, whereas it may suggest electoral fraud. The point here being, that because of abiding to advice or assumptions of law, damage is done and in fact hampers and burdens any reconciliation, therefore, how can law be just in this respect, and help solve issues before hundreds of thousands of dollars are spent in courts, which rarely rectifies and remedies in a just way? Compromise has the best probability of success, in so many ways, leaving both parties in a more favourable position in the end, and subsequently, more in their pocket books.

I am not in the least offended by this comment of yours and see it as a fair observation on your part. But I will ask, if you will look at what you say in this comment of yours, from a different perspective?

"You have a tendency of reading between the lines and sometimes misinterpreting what was actually said. "

I will like to say here, that interpretation by the reader is only as clear and refined as the conveyance of the author. For example, by an author being vague, the reader is left with the unconstructive means, of trying to discern the authors true intent. This creates a huge problem, and is related to a communication gap, that leaves the door wide open for misinterpretation, whereas there may be several intents behind the authors missive, but the reader is left to deciding for themselves, which is the most probable or correct interpretation. The more concise assembly of facts offered, the more concise an interpretation. Conveyance, especially from a company, should be constructed meticulously so as to avoid any legal implications and to assure that the same message is clearly understood by all. The more people reading one piece of literature, the more care the author must take in being concise, otherwise the message is exposed to greater risk of being misconstrued.

I keep detecting ego in your post Santa, the barrier of ego must come down in any attempts at reconciliation. Ego is a destructive energy and is contradictory to the dynamics of resolution.

Perhaps I may have influence over shareholders by what I convey, but please understand, that that is by their own accord and free will. I recognize,accept and respect every shareholders free will. Every shareholder has it within themselves to decide any course they make take in this stock and even in life. I believe in unity and that we are all equal and quite capable of making our own decisions, if any shareholder wishes to join us in our thoughts and actions, they are received as an equal and as a compliment to the group. It may appear to some that I have control, but that is an illusion, it just so happens that we are like minded and have chosen, by our own free will, to join together as one and stand up for what we feel is unethical, together.

I have been thought of as a leader here, by the unethical ones, the ones that choose to see unity and truth as a threat to their existence. They have targeted me financially and continue to do so even at this very time, but I just shake my head at their lame and futile attempts. Instead of me trying to judge them as bad, I will once again try to help them, because of my unconditional love and understanding. Here is my help to them for today; by compromising our phones again at the ridiculous attempt of dividing us, this is all being documented by many people and can not and will not be covered up. What this is actually doing to the opposition, is damaging further their position, by showing many more and establishing and substantiating proof, that our phones are compromised. You are so blinded by your desperation, that you fail to see many ways we get around your attempts at cutting communication and at seperation. You also fail to see how these types of actions are only making matters worse for you and supplying us with even more evidence, as you spiral downward further in your creation, a victim of your own demise.

As for having an influence over the stock, we most certainly do. Thats why the stock is still trading today, because shareholders have held onto the majority of shares and are standing up for what they believe in. Its because of very strong market forces complimented by non enforcement of supposed regulators, that allow this stock to be at its present price. There is no natural reason for this stock price to be this low, thus clearly showing how it is manipulated. I would not doubt that there is still a significant naked short position on this stock as a result of the manipulation. Where the tree was shook, and little shares became available to further short with, the chances are great, that shares were fabricated.

As far as your comments, Santa, about the PP, there are some very important observations or attachments, that you may not be taking into consideration.

First off, the element of trust has been severed between management and the shareholders, by the continuous acts that are perceived as vengeance, on Lori,s part. I will quickly enter the Cueva Blanca sale and the effortless procedure to save it, as an example. To let this valuable property go while the company uses treasury money to support an optionee on a low priority property, allows for little justification on the act itself. Its a very clear display of how negative based action can have ill effect and why it is always better to perhaps practise a more considerable and compassionate route.

In the manner of raising $500,000 for a PP, is no problem at all, but it has to be conditional. Where the element of trust has been almost obliterated, I see little chance of funding being presented with present management at the helm. There perhaps may be a chance to leave Lori within the company, but that would be very conditional. I believe all other directors would have to step back, letting shareholder representatives assure those positions,and possibly a Holacracy scenario, and a reliquishment of Lori,s CEO power/s. Some of the contributions that have complimented the mistrust between management and shareholders, are the extravagant expenditures, consisting of extraordinary travel, security guards( and why security guards for a CEO of a little ole stock anyway? ), limosine service, extensive expenditures listed under promotion and entertainment, to name a few. An audit committees function has to be practised.

Plain and simple, the PP could be filled in a heartbeat, but not with the current structure of the executive. If Lori has done no wrong, then her position as a director of the company could be secured, but not so foolishly as to give her the veto. I believe a compromise may be possible by allowing Lori to stay until verification and justification of her past acts are presented through transparency, but the rest of the BOD , or Holacracy,would have to be replaced by representatives from this group of shareholders. A total restructuring of the way things were executed in the past would be a must with total transparency to all shareholders and even the public.

As for your suggestions at the bottom of your post, I am open to the channels of communication. As for perhaps an insecurity that may be felt by Lori in regards to the "cow" post, I suggest that she does not get offended, but rather understand where it is coming from, that understanding will be a sign of strength on her part, and not a sign of weakness, that attracts all other negatives toward her. When she comes to realize and not be so defencive, perhaps a glimmer, or element of trust, may begin to be established, its not impossible:).

Further to the current compromisation of certain shareholders phones, I suggest to circulate this post to shareholders and even the public. There is no way this will be concealed and should further enhance any wee doubt that some may have had, that this company is very valuable.

with the deepest love, Lori please contact me, you have all my contact info.

thank you


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