St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
in response to Santa Clause's message

Santa, one question I would have about this post of Molsons, or perhaps 2, is;

1) Why the transfer of the property mentioned in this post, has changed hands twice in the one day, from Mr M to Lloyd, from Lloyd to SLI? In B.C. a mineral company can hold an FMC in B.C., leaving an open door for SLI to hold the mineral claim directly, instead of going through what perhaps looks like a middle man, and incurring more expense as a direct result? The idea for a public traded company is to create value for its shareholders and use discernment and discretion when handling a treasury of a public traded company.

Where can I get an Individual or Corporate Free Miner Certificate?
If this is the first-time you have applied for a Free Miner Certificate (FMC), you can go to any Mineral Titles Branch office, Provincial Service BC (Government Agent) office or FrontCounter BC office and fill out an application form for an individual or company FMC. Staff at these offices will enter the required information into the Mineral Titles Online (MTO) registry and you will be issued an FMC and client number.

Alternatively, you can print a copy of the individual or corporate FMC forms and mail in your completed application. Send your form along with a cheque in the amount of $25.00 for an individual or $500.00 for a company, made payable to the Minister of Finance, to:

Mineral Titles Branch
300-865 Hornby Street
Vancouver, B.C.
V6Z 2G3

In addition to applying for an FMC, you will also need a business BCeID account. It is highly recommended that you apply for a business BCeID first as you will not be able to access MTO without it. Please review our FAQ's on applying for a business BCeID.

If you are attempting to renew your existing FMC, please see question 7 below. For more information, see Information Update #1 - Free Miner Certificate.

2) I am not sure if Lloyd was a director of SLI at the very time of the transaction, but if he was, why wouldn,t he just buy it directly for SLI from Mr M, he most likely received options and perhaps other compensation from SLI/shareholders throughout the course of the year? If you glance above again in this post, you will see that a company can hold an FMC for $500 per year, that amount can be saved on the very first transaction, causing less cost to investors of this company, and perhaps displaying experience, competence and prudence on any managements part, when the best interests of shareholders are kept in mind. Here is a link to a post by Supervisors Wife, talking about this very thing, only perhaps a different transaction that the company undertook.

Also, I think the damage that may have occured to this company as a result of having too many properties, may be evident when one adds up the expenditures of keeping these properties that little is done on and realize that money could have been spent more conservatively or in creating direct value for the company, in proving up resource. Again, the investors here realized no gain in the value of their investment as a result of having numerous properties. We have/had 3 very potentially company making properties in Peru, any one of those 3 could easily make this investment very valuable, if resource was proven up and perhaps the money spent on green field properties was all applied to one Peruvian property. There is no value created for shareholders by buying many properties when there is no foundational resource established first.

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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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