St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
in response to 1sailsman's message

1sailsman, and all, when you read & disect your post, there are many questions you have. Here's a cut & paste to your Questions. When you lay them out & look, you'll see most can be answered by some good drill & trench results! And, IMO, and many obviously, that is the Bottom Line. We need complete assays, and we need the NR's to reflect that. If what we have up to now is complete, and the entire core, then say so. If it is not, then say so. Show us the exact numbers & depths where you were really & actually less than the 1.0 g/T in the 1st NR, and less than 0.5 g/T in the 2nd NR.

This is such vital information for all the shareholders. It will answer so many questions!

Anyway, here's your questions, in point form:

  1. What do we need from management in terms of further (!) clarifications?
  2. What are the potential NR's that could raise the SP?
  3. What info is the share holder base in need of to achieve some sort of comfort zone?
  4. Are there any drill results unreleased that will benefit us?
  5. When will those results be released?
  6. Can we pressure management to release said drill/trenching results?
  7. If Tesoro is gone, then where do go from here?

Here are some other questions:

  1. Why would Management not want to communicate all this to us?
  2. Why do we even have questions?
  3. Do most companies have this many questions?
  4. Why did we not find out we got 100% of Vilcoro, till the new website was launched?
  5. Why did we not hear of the additional BC properties till the new website was launched?
  6. Did we follow Quantec's Recommended drill Plan? If not, why?
  7. Have we really not been talking to Quantec in over a year? This is a very serious question, IMO, and many others!
  8. Do we, or have we ever been in communication with McElhanney? If so, what is their role?
  9. Is Paul Grey still in the picture? If not, why?
  10. Why & where did John Brophy go?
  11. Why did we not hear of the new land claims in the 2nd drill map. Or were the original maps just out of date? Pretty big increase in land, I'd say!
  12. Why was there a blackout on Oct 15th 2011, when the news that came out on the 19th did not IMO justify a blackout? Corporate Update?
  13. I have more questions about the day of Oct 19th, and some people's reaction to that day, but for now, I'll let it lay. But...?
  14. Why did the drilling increase to 20K M on Dec 12, 2011, and 3 additional GEO's were hired when no results were out yet?
  15. Why was the price tanking prior to the 1st drill results? Think I made a post about this already, not too long ago with Crazy H.
  16. Why do the short numbers always seem to be correct? Always! How can the shorters be that smart?
  17. Why did Amorak's interest in Cueva Blanca get terminated on May 09, 2011, and it was then given to Intigold?
  18. Why did the trenching get announced May 17, 2011, and we have not heard anything for over 13 months? YES 13 months! Wow, over a year, how?
  19. Who else has questions?

So anyway, yes, there are lots of questions! Lots from all of us! Will we ever get them answered? Well, your trend is your friend. If you have not up to this point, what do we really think will change? Why now? Usually history, repeats!

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130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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