St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company

Well, I don't usually do this, but I just can't resist this time. Afterall, SH continually cuts & pastes our posts, so, here we go. Let's join the FUN:

This just in from SH, from Primed:

I said right from day one after the insiders took down the PP that it was nothing more then window dressing. It cost themn nothing. In reality they actually made money off the deal. The Agoracom dolts are the ones that refused to see teh truth. Anyway, this was one of the early steps towards being labeled a basher. Sculpin the dummie refused to see the truth and was one of the first yelling basher. Now at 20 cents the world is still wrong he he is still right. Being right is very costly I guess. Some people are in so deep that all they can do is belive. Otherwise they just lost everything on fools gold.

This is all good. No problem. But, do we all remember when the PP was announced? That's right, it was Aug 17, 2011, it was with the Tesoro Drilling Commenced" News.

Primed say "from day one"

Well does anyone remember what Primed posted the same day on Agoracom, while he was still drinking the kool aid as so many say?

He was on the long side then, wasn't he ...?

Aug 17, 2011 @ 7:53 AM, he had a post, that I'll never forget. Made everyone's Math seem like elementary school. Price per OZ higher than anything I've ever seen? No scaling. Big Numbers!

And, what, this was on the same day, day one, man, I'm confused?

Aug 18, 2011 @ 8:44 PM, there was another great one! That's even one day later! That almost seems a day late, from what he just said on SH?

I challenge someone to try to find it on Agoracom. When you check his post history, it just does not quite come up the same way as so many others. Why, I'm not sure? Try to find it.

You will find it, but it will take a few more clicks, than trying to find anyone elses.

Of course this is all IMO, but with some facts!

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