St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company

All SLI shareholders should want to hear positive comments from their fellow investors IMO. Like I've said there are loads of former shareholders who, I think, want to hear bad news. Why? ..because they feel they have lost 75% and either have sold out or reduced their holdings dramatically. We should all have known that this is a highly speculative investment and that we have taken the risk hoping to reap the reward of ten to twenty times the money we invested. Remember, you have not really lost any of your investment until the day you sell. I know, I know, it hurts to look at your current statement which says you have lost big time! Join the club.

So... If you are a shareholder that has a few extra bucks you can now buy SLI shares at a reduced rate (in my case was $2.00 /share now at $.50?).

And.....Anyone else we can convince to buy will only help build the strenth of SLI going forward and give those new investors the chance to make a lot more than even we can.

Look..... At all the positives:

Havilah should net us a few bucks now and in the future

Drilling results should be out shortly (and if we have hit the anomaly it should be a pay day to remember)

Lori seems to be adding value to SLI week by week by doing deals with other miners

You can once again buy all the SLI you can afford under $1.00 maybe even below $.50.

I admit that this is one of the most trying investments of my life, but with the help of the people on this board I think I can make it through. Hopefully you people (fellow investors and friends) will hang in and reap the future rewards also. Think positive and wait for the news we have all been waiting for. Some of you have waited for 8 years. What's another month or two! If we don't have any news by then you can all join me in Peru just panning for gold to help pay for our losses. JW

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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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