St. Elias Mines

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Re: What ifs
over 12 years ago
in response to Hyperman's message

What if Lori is waiting to announce the spin off as a thank you to all our stay long investors just before she releases a good news release? There are so many possibilities but one thing for sure, if you cash in the chips now, there will be no big gains and if you wait there may be even less. I am hanging in there like I did with Bre-X and will take it as a loss if it happens. One thing I know, nothing has changed with this investment for a long time and I do think we are closer to the end. I, as many others will be so relieved to know the wondering is over and my pockets are full or empty. I do believe that all is well with Tesoro and that Lori is actually finding out exactly or at least within reason what the property holds. I don't want to sell until I can get every cent out of this investment I can and am sure that Lori is no different.

There is a reason Lori is not releasing anything right now IMO, just don't know why.

Does anyone know who is at the property now and if the drilling is going well or halted and how many hours a day drilling is working? Anyone know if any rigs or key people have moved off the Tesoro and on to Chance?

All IMO,


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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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