St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company

If any of the new members / investors to our forum have not had a chance to read the National Instrument 43-101 report, consider it your manual to the Tesoro property and invest a little time and read up as it will help you better understand the incredible opportunity in SLI.

Lost in the countless posts is a favourite post of mine with some excellent DD done by BOW2U back in January.

Here is the re-post:


Here's some very interesting homework some of us have done here lately:

If you have access to the 43101 report, go to page 251 (C1 Vein), look at the big red dots, which are 2 of the 2010 Verification Samples, which are 181.93 g/T, and 184.65 g/T, and remember when you look at this picture that you are looking south.

Then, go to page 90 (193) which is Line 5750N, and look at drill hole H-26, which is into T14. Now, remember you are looking north. This drill hole appears to be lined up to go through the 2 verification numbers from above, and a whole bunch more. The anomaly appears to be a deep red color from the chargeability scale.

Then go to page 47 (150), where they describe the target T14. It is listed as from Line 4750N to Line 6000N, and from 550E to 1050E, and approx 350M deep.

These numbers work out to: 1250M X 500M X 350M (218.75 Million M3)

Now for some Math just on only this 1 anomaly. In the past we've always used only 2g/T, I'm not sure this is the number we should use for this now? We know in this anomaly they had 2 samples greater than 180 g/T, and the Quantec data, pictures, and the scales, seem to reflect the sample numbers. However, I know I can't use 180 g/T, but lets stay conservative (IMO) and use only 5 g/T. Using the Ovoid formula as well (which automatically scales the number by approx 1/2):

4/3 X 3.14 X 1/8 X 218.75 Million M3 X 2.5 T/M3 X 5 g/T X 1 OZ/31.1g

This would give you for this 1 anomaly only = 46 Million OZ @ 5 g/T

Seems too high, so let’s scale it by another 1/2, just because:

23 Million OZ @ only 5 g/T, on just Target T14

I know it's just numbers, and no doubt it seems too high, and it means nothing till we drill, but, I sure do love Math!


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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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