Star Navigation Systems Group Ltd.

Signed a Technical Partnership Agreement with Astrium, a wholly owned subsidiary of EADS, to enhance and implement the patented In-flight Safety Monitoring System (ISMS™) – the next generation of aircraft data transmission systems.

For anyone one to conclude anything without knowing the facts is purely speculation of the worst kind. Many people travelled great distances to attend the AGM. The AGM was not recorded.

No one has shared what occurred at the AGM and I hope no one will. Anyone who feels the need to know what goes on at the AGM should make the time and take the effort to do so. I was at the AGM and signed in as a registered shareholder because I own shares.

Anyone who is a shareholder would have received notice of the AGM and what the agenda was. Questions and answers are for the priviledged shareholders who made the effort to attend.

Anyone can speculate what they want but at least make sure that that it is informed. The self admitted lack of attendance and general knowledge of this company is evident.

Coming out of the AGM investors were really positive!!!! Enjoy your xmas and happy new year all......Star will have a great 2012.

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