Star Navigation Systems Group Ltd.

Signed a Technical Partnership Agreement with Astrium, a wholly owned subsidiary of EADS, to enhance and implement the patented In-flight Safety Monitoring System (ISMS™) – the next generation of aircraft data transmission systems.

Hi widget,

Ok - I can see where you are coming from and yes I can see your point. To be honest I never really anticipated that STAR would aim to become their own sustainable company. The thought crossed my mind a few times, that would definately take us from "rags" to "riches" if things went well but I think that their main purpose/hope is for a buyout in the long term (which really is the no so distant future if things go well). This industry (aerospace) is also its' only special animal. Things go slow, and for way more then expected or initially proposed. Hence a buyout by EADS/Astrium is the perfect solution. (Reminds me of the defense industry, where I worked as an engineer for 4 years where everything in my opinion was a dog and pony show - where our only purposes was to steal tax payers money for projects that were going to go over budget every single time.)

Furthermore - the ppl are STAR are very bright but I believe their claim to fame is their business aptitude (they are accountants, business people type) and they are looking at taking this forward as a business venture - with the technology as a vehicle to get them their. Their focus from what I gather is not on creating a enterprise/company for future generations - they want to get this rolling - pump it up - and get it sold.

I'm ok with that as long as we are looking at $5.00 + a share. And to be honest, I became an engineer myself not because I didn't like politics, or economics, or music. I became an engineer because my parents were immigrants to Canada, I have always been taught to learn hard skills - math, physics and to think about being able to make a decent, honest living for myself. So as much as I like the technology - ISMS, I just want to cash in at the right time.

EADS in the past has taken over other companies - and from what I have read and from the people that I have talked to at Astrium (I know engineers who work in Stevenage) EADS has a pot of money; if I am correct around £12 billion, Euros, Pounds or Dollars (not sure) to put to use for buying out the right companies. With STAR I think this is a real possibility. And if so then soon - maybe even in the next 12 months.

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