Star Navigation Systems Group Ltd. 's Profile

Signed a Technical Partnership Agreement with Astrium, a wholly owned subsidiary of EADS, to enhance and implement the patented In-flight Safety Monitoring System (ISMS™) – the next generation of aircraft data transmission systems.

Introducing ISMSTM "Real-Time Monitoring"

Star Navigation Systems Group Ltd. has developed the ISMSTM in-flight safety monitoring system - the first system in the world to feature in-flight data monitoring and diagnostics with a "real-time" secure connection between aircraft and ground, made possible through current technology and satellite transmission. Read More..

How ISMSTM Can Improve Operations Safety

From on board all types of aircraft to which it can be fitted, the ISMSTM basically provides two critical types of information:

  • - a real time monitoring and analysis of the main on board systems (LiveFDATM), which can download flight data either periodically (scheduled), continuously to Operations on the ground or can be downloaded immediately if an “alert” is detected.
  • - the capability to track the aircraft continuously, while monitoring its status, health and performance.

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New Technology Has Many Uses

ISMSTM technology has created many exciting possibilities for monitoring and safety in medical, environmental, and military applications. Currently in development are a Wifi Data Recovery System, Cabin Monitoring & Surveillance System, and a Passenger Medical Monitoring System. Read More..


Star Navigation Systems Group Ltd. is a Canadian leading edge technology company focused on providing Aerospace Solutions - both hardware and software platforms - to assist aviation operators worldwide. Headquartered in Toronto, Canada, Star (TSX Venture: SNA) has developed the TERRASTARTM in-flight safety monitoring system - the first system in the world to feature in-flight data monitoring and diagnostics with a real-time, secure connection between aircraft and ground, made possible through current technology and satellite transmission.

The system has been tested and certified for airworthiness by world transport authorities including the FAA and Transport Canada. Star Navigation owns the world-wide license (ground, air and marine) for this revolutionary technology and is actively developing new applications for in-flight medical monitoring, environmental monitoring, and ground-based systems. This proprietary patented technology provides real-time specific data transmissions that will enhance aviation safety, facilitate the reduction of maintenance costs, and provide the opportunity to dramatically increase airline profits

The company announced that it has commenced work with Astrium Services and the General Directorate for Civil Aviation of France, on a study aimed at proposing solutions to the need to access in-flight positioning and monitoring data for commercial aircraft while in oceanic or remote airspace.

Awarded by the Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) Joint Undertaking, one of the most ambitious research and development projects ever launched by the European Community, the Satellite Oceanic Position Tracking Improvement and Monitoring Initiative ("SAT-OPTIMI") study will propose innovative satellite solutions for improving aircraft safety and optimizing coordination between both air transit and search and rescue services in remote or oceanic areas.

Last changed at 02-Aug-2012 10:46AM by BL

Management & Directors

  • Viraf Kapadia


    Mr. Kapadia is Star Navigation's acting Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer. He brings over 37 years of executive level experience in Europe, Asia, Middle East and North America in the fields of accounting, aviation, steel and building industry.

  • Jean-Louis Larmor


    Jean-Louis Larmor brings to the team over 25 years of experience in business development, strategy and management for space systems and operations, as well as in advanced systems for military and commercial applications. Mr.Larmor joined ADGA Group as Vice President Marketing and Sales in September 2005. From 2000 to 2003, he was Director Aerospace Programs - THALES International, responsible for the THALES Group's military and commercial aerospace business development in the U.S. He was subsequently appointed the THALES International delegate to Canada, where he led the re-organization of the existing Canadian-based entities (Aerospace, Defense, and IT&S) into THALES Canada Inc.

  • Dale F. Sparks

    Chief Technical Officer CTO

    Mr. Sparks is Star Navigation's Chief Technical Officer. He has a strong technical background, and is one of the co-designers and co-developers of the original TERRASTAR:Real-Time MonitoringTM system. He is an experienced, respected I.S. professional and has managed and implemented a variety of technology mandates. He is a driving force behind Star's Research & Development and his expertise and in-depth knowledge of integration, development, technology and infrastructure management, are proven assets that will help move the company forward in achieving its goals.

  • Viraf Kapadia

    Board of Directors

    See above

  • Ben Soave

    Board of Directors

    Mr. Ben Soave, formerly Chief Superintendent with the R.C.M.P., retired in 2005 after 35 years of dedicated service. Mr. Soave served overseas for 15 years as RCMP Attaché at Canadian missions in Singapore, Lima and Rome, with responsibilities in South East Asia, South America, Europe and the Middle East. The culmination of his career occurred in 1996, when he assumed command of the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit (CFSEU) in Toronto, responsible for the integrated enforcement response to organized crime. In 2001, Mr. Soave also assumed command of the Integrated National Security Enforcement Team (INSET), where, in addition to his continued oversight of enforcement response to organized crime, he also assumed responsibility of national security in Ontario. He held both these posts until his retirement. He is currently President of Soave Strategy Group.

  • Ibrahim Al Hamer - Director

    Board of Directors

    Mr. Al Hamer has over 30 years of high level experience in the aviation, aluminum, petroleum, hospitality and banking industries. He has served on the Board of two publicly traded companies on the Bahrain Stock Exchange. From 1985 - 2001 he was Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Bank of Bahrain and Kuwait. He has held the position of Chairman of the Board of Bahrain Hotels Company and Undersecretary of Civil Aviation in the Ministry of Transport, Bahrain. In addition, he was the CEO of Gulf Air, Bahrain, one of the largest airlines in the Middle East.

  • Dale F. Sparks

    Board of Directors

    See above

  • Robin Riedel

    Board of Directors

    Robin Riedel has been a senior manager in the airport product branch of a major North American airline since June of 2006. From 2004 to 2006, he was a graduate research assistant at the International Center for Flight Transportation (ICAT) at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) concentrating on Key Performance Indicators in airline operations.

    Previously Mr. Riedel held various positions in different areas of the aviation sector, including senior manager in the Commercial branch of a major North American airline, First Officer on Airbus A320/321 at Düsseldorf/Germany based Blue Wings AG, graduate research assistant at the International Center for Flight Transportation (ICAT) at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and Flight Operations Specialist in the Federal German Air Force.

    Mr. Riedel holds a Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering and a Master of Science in Aeronautics and Astronautics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, MA, USA. He is a European Joint Aviation Authority and Transport Canada certified commercial pilot and holds a current First Officer type rating on the Airbus A320 series. Mr. Riedel is a member of the Airline Group of the International Federation of Operations Research Societies (AGIFORS), the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), and the Society of Flight Test Engineers (SFTE).

  • Shawn Saulnier

    Board of Directors

    Mr. Saulnier is a business development, aviation and fundraising professional who has been active in the entrepreneurial and community service areas for many years. He has served as Assistant Dean of the University of Toronto Faculty of Management (now the Rotman School of Management), President of Gateway Airlines (a North American cargo airline which he started in 1995), until 2001,and latterly as an advisor to or director of, numerous charitable and artistic organizations. He is currently serving in his fifth year on the Dean’s Advisory Council, Faculty of Arts, York University.

  • Charles Wyburn, F.C.A.

    Director, Audit Committee Chairman

    Mr. Wyburn is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales, and has been a partner in a professional practice since the early 1970s. He specialises in Management Consultancy and Audit, and has extensive experience in large public companies in a variety of differing sectors. Mr.Wyburn has been appointed Chairman of the Audit Committee.

  • Pierre Jeannoit

    Advisory Board - Chairman, Strategic Advisory Committee

    Mr. Jeanniot was appointed Chairman of Star Navigation's Strategic Advisory Committee in 25 April, 2005. Mr. Jeanniot's appointment brings invaluable industry experience and leadership to the Company. He was the Director General and CEO of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) from January 1993 to January 2002. IATA now has over 270 members representing more than 140 nations worldwide. It is the prime vehicle for inter-airline co-operation in promoting safe, reliable, secure and economic air services for the benefit of the worlds' consumers. During his tenure, Mr. Jeanniot transformed IATA into the acknowledged leader of commercial air aviation around the world. Under his direction, IATA became the major supplier of products and services for the international aviation industry. Following his tenure at IATA, he was awarded the lifetime title of Director General Emeritus in recognition of his outstanding contribution to civil aviation. From 1984 to 1990, he held the position of Chairman of the Board of Air Canada. Prior to being appointed President and CEO of Air Canada, he held positions in several key departments including Operations, Marketing, Strategic Planning and Technical Services. He was appointed Chairman of Thales Canada on 1 May, 2003. Mr. Jeanniot also served on the Board of Scotia Bank for 14 years, and has served as a Director on the Boards of airlines, telecommunication companies, airports and publishing houses.

  • Karel Ledeboer

    Advisory Board - Strategic Advisory Committee Member

    Karel Ledeboer is one of the world's leading specialists in aviation technical services, safety, security, and flight operations. Mr. Ledeboer spent 33 years with KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, ultimately becoming Executive Vice President Operations. In 1994, he joined IATA (International Air Transport Association) as a Senior Director, with responsibility for infrastructure, flight operations, safety, security, engineering and airport development. He also served as Secretary of the IATA Operations Committee, and was on the Board of Governors of the Washington-based Flight Safety Foundation. He was visiting professor at Cranfield University (UK), for ten years, where he lectured in Air Transport Engineering and Air Transport Management.

  • Charles Simpson

    Advisory Board - Strategic Advisory Committee Member

    Charles Simpson was Chairman of the Transportation Safety Board of Canada until his retirement in December 2005. Captain Simpson began his career with Trans-Canada Airlines/Air Canada in 1956 after training as a pilot with the Royal Canadian Air Force Reserve. He subsequently held several senior positions at Air Canada, including Executive Vice-President, Operations. For 14 years, he served on the Board of Directors of the Canadian Air Line Pilots Association, and was President from 1968 to 1972. In 1974, he was named Vice-President of the International Federation of Air Line Pilots Association. Captain Simpson also served on the Advisory Committee of the Royal Canadian Air Force Association, and was awarded the McGregor Memorial Trophy in 1974 for his contribution to civil aviation in the areas of airport safety and security. He was a member of the Technical Committee of IATA from 1978 to 1993, and was Air Canada's member of the Board of the Air Transport Association of Canada from 1992 to 1993.

  • Jean-Louis Larmor

    Advisory Board - Strategic Advisory Committee Member

    See above

  • Donald Lowe

    Advisory Board - Consultant

    Mr. Donald C. Lowe, B.A. Sc., M. Sc. is a Canadian business leader whose career in the Aerospace industry has spanned 30 years. Mr. Lowe was President & CEO of Pratt & Whitney Aircraft - Canada from 1975 to 1980 and from 1980 to 1982 was President of Pratt & Whitney Aircraft U.S.A. From 1986 to 1990 Mr. Lowe held the position of President & CEO of Canadair and director of Bombardier from 1986 to 2004. Mr. Lowe held the position of President & CEO of Fleet Industries before becoming Chairman of Sedwick Limited until 1998. In addition to a roster of previous directorships that include Bombardier Inc., Canadian Tire and HSBC to name a few, presently Mr. Lowe is a director of Blumont Capital Corporation, Magellan Aerospace Corporation, and Integrated Asset Management Corporation.

Broker Fact Sheet

  • SNA Broker Fact Sheet
    Thu Mar 29, 2019
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Star Navigation Systems Group Ltd.
Technology & Medical
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