Patriot Scientific

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Hey Lamberts
about 12 years ago

First off, let's stick to basics. Why did I report and process your post as a violation?

"The post to which this replies was reported as a violation and a warning issued. How does this personal attack relate to PTSC?"

Your post was reported as "Off Topic", which clearly it is. Had you taken the time to check, you should have noticed that the post you were responding to had already been deleted by Ron. So, then, what was the point of your reply? An overwhelming desire to break the rules you are charged to enforce? Directed at an (at that point) ghost of a post? Was it On Topic (of PTSC)?

As for Lamberts vs whatptscwontputinapr, I once saw a post by the latter on another message board which included a little personal detail at the upper right of the page (similar to Agora, where it occasionally shows where people say they reside - this one included age). Of course, now I can't find it.... But it said he was from Henderson NV and was 70 years old (notable because I was a bit shocked that a message board would reveal a user's age). I recall from YEARS ago lamberts mentioning that he lived in Henderson in an Agora post, and I recall responding that I was interested in property in the Overton NV area (not too far away). Yup, there are a lot of people residing in Henderson. How many are this knowledgable about PTSC, and spew the same rhetoric on message boards - and fairly vigorously? Basis? Even if incorrect, there is some reasonable basis IMO. Is it possible someone lied about their age?

Different writing style? The theme is very similar.

And was it me who included the Lamberts/what-wont "issue" in an Agora post? Nope, it was you who chose to share this with the entire forum - because it has something to do with PTSC? In your wisdom of the proper thing to do as a Hub Leader? You could have just as easily sent me a pm. But no, now everyone has something more to ponder, for no real reason. It doesn't really matter.

And I note YOUR usual bias in performing as HL. You complain that Stillpoint attacked with no basis in fact, and came running to the rescue. Where were you when lamberts made his "not" accusation to me that I engaged in insider trading, simply because I had stated that I had successful communications with PTSC? To be clear, a "NOT" accusation directed at an individual on a public forum IS an accusation (how else would a reasonable person perceive it? the seed was planted). And based on what? Success? It was comparable of accusing someone of being a wife-beater after he advises that he is happily married (not that I'm in any way "married" to PTSC - it's an investment). "talk about accusations with out merit, from a Hub Leader no less" Okay, I did!

As for my "success" in communicating with PTSC, the success is in communicating SUGGESTIONS to PTSC from the pure shareholder perspective - which they consider and on occasion act upon (though the act may have been something already contemplated - so I claim no credit). Communication is infrequent - maybe once every few months on no scheduled basis.

Until today, that post by lamberts that neither you, lamberts, laurie, Pete nor Ron acted upon in properly performing your Hub Leader duties ended my posting activity on Agora. Why?

First, I had enjoyed the comedy of being asked questions when lamberts, laurie and many, many others obviously already knew the answer to the question. Either that or the basher community doesn't communicate very well, if at all. In any case, I found the redundant question quite hilarious (as did many others), and rather idiotic. If I replied, it would likely end the comedy, and I didn't want to do THAT! LOL

Second, consider the motives of a person who attacks someone AFTER they discover that the "someone" has had successful communications with PTSC. Why would anyone do that? A reasonable person would immediately recognize that the "someone" is a potential resource in an otherwise mostly silent environment, and would encourage posts from that someone. Granted, my communications rarely involved my asking questions but rather were directed at making suggestions for consideration. But might you and other shareholders on this forum be interested in what I suggest? Most suggestions were indirectly revealed in the content of my posts. But no more.... You shot yourselves in the foot. Brilliant! In the best interest of ALL shareholders?

Third, Agora has lost most of its value for me. Misinformation abounds, and control of this forum is largely (majority) in the hands of folks who consistently demonstrate bias, and an agenda which IMO is not favorable to ALL shareholders. Speculation is not allowed by some (unless they can prove in Agoracourt that they are an internationally-recognized expert on the subject matter), regardless of foundation. But others are free to post utter nonsense to present a negative depiction of PTSC - my investment, or to present a negative depiction of other shareholders on the other side of the isle.

And finally, engaging on Agora is far too frustrating and time-consuming - for no real benefit that isn't fully met and surpassed by other means. This reason is listed last, but is my biggest reason.

An apology to Lamberts? I've waited over six months for his apology to me, not that one was ever expected. I'm fairly certain that my absense was viewed as a victory towards achieving HIS agenda.

Back to lurk mode, indefinitely. Don't even bother....

BTW, I'm reporting this post as a violation - because it is in violation for being Off Topic. Another HL can process it any way they think is right - for all to observe.


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