Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
over 12 years ago
Re: 10q
over 12 years ago
Re: 10q
over 12 years ago
Re: 10q
over 12 years ago

Here's a statement from one of PTSC's lawyers, John P. Moran in the case against TPL in speaking about the Apple license:

"An important factor in determining the "reasonable royalty" is the amount that the patent owner historically has licensed the technology at issues to other parties."


"This license will potentially adversely limit future licenses, and in particular the "reasonable royalty" analysis. The amount of royalty that can be commanded from other companies will therefore be potentially adversely impacted, and will continue to be adversely impacted if TPL continues licensing the MMP Portfolio in a similar manner."

It's amazing that Cliff had the gall to attribute the small license fees to the marketplace's view of patent licensers, when IN FACT our own company made the same argument I made earlier, that that perception is a result of OUR COMPANY AND ITS LICENSING PARTNER, not of the value of the patens. Based on these statements and the allegations made in the lawsuit, to then settle with TPL, you'd expect that they'd have to have received some extremely significant concessions from TPL to protect that from every occuring again. Yet there is no indication of such concessions and instead we see it has continued to occur based on the fees being reported and the companies that have signed.

Barely a peep from the company with respect to the SUBSTANCE of what concessions were made, or what protective measures were put in place, except that "trust us, we now have to sign off on every license", and "mutual payments" were made!? Why?! Because, IMO, if what had occured prior to the lawsuit, and what did occur to settle was illuminated it would reveal how derelict they were to begin with and how toothless they've remained since.

Our BOD rolled over yet again in the "best interests of the MMP licensing program". Unfortunately, they have yet to successfully fight for the "best interests of the PTSC shareholder.

But according to our CEO & BOD, the problems lie in message boards, and with the marketplace's perception of the company! No wonder it's TOO RISKY to for Cliff Flowers to buy PTSC Stock! Perhaps it's because Cliff Flowers is in charge of PTSC.

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