STEELpulse's Profile

STEELpulse's Posts

Re: PTSC is like

Well put.

I have had 100000 shares for so many years and I have watched it go up and down. 08 to .25 and .03 to .20. At times .11 to .28 and I wondered when it would get up to .5 so that I don't take large loss. Now it has started going down again may be to .02 this time.

over 12 years ago
Re: PTSC is like

Wondering why BOD and management are not buying in the open market?

over 12 years ago

I have asked this question several times in the past and I am surprised we have good people here with long experience in penny stock trading none of them have been able to give any answer.

Why is it that since the last share holders meeting BOD and management are not buying this stock as an evidence ptsc is true to it.

One of the key points in the shareholders prospectus was that BOD and management should be giving the free hand to buy ptsc shares in the open market.

Are they hiding something?

over 12 years ago
Re: The Bottomline

Yes steelpulse is replacing mdstglobal, What about it?

over 12 years ago
The Bottomline

I am worried some folks are supprised about the latest 10q report. What is the difference between this 10q and the previous most recent ones. PTSC has been trading based on the potential favourable Markman outcome. We have had this type of 10q for the past 4 or 6 reports. The hope for a favourable Markman has kept the SP very much alive. The bottomline is I am not selling and I am very hopeful Markman will go in our favor.

This is like a grug on the final stage of FDA approval. If it is approved the stock skyrocket and I am very hopeful Markman will give us a favourable judgement

over 12 years ago
Re: 10q... Talked to Cliff Flowers...

Forget all these bla bla bla. This is a sham. Tell me if there is gold and minth as we have been portraying, BOD including other employees and the ceo would have been buying this company at a very low sp.

over 12 years ago
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