Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
Re: ignited
over 16 years ago
in response to billwilke's message

gcduck and billwilke...I too am in the your corner on the questions you pose...

Even more so, that JT not only resigned from the CEO spot but also from the BOD. The BOD appointed him 9 mos. ago and were obviously familiar with him, his accomplishments and potential for being the CEO. Granted it was announced as an interim basis, just as the new guy is, but leaving both positions at once, rather than just resigning from the CEO position and retaining his BOD seat(ala Pohl) bothers me more than the usual resignation and replacement we are seeing with Goerner.

Giving JT the benefit of the doubt, and that his appointment was to fill in on an interim basis till the BOD could land someone like Goerner, and NOT for unaccomplished deeds, or screw ups while in control, why then would he leave the BOD also.

Losing the CEO so soon with no announced reasoning right after having our COB leave also bothers me even more. We could assume that Goerner will take the board seat vacated by JT but it's only an assumption till that is announced. Why we haven't seen at least an "interim" COB announced by this time is beyond me. Someone needs to be the "leader of the pack" to look out for our shareholder interests, that's normally what a COB is there for.

Now the answers to all these questions could very well turn out to be all positives for the company and likewise for us as shareholders.

Unfortunately with so much time for us being in the dark on a lot of things , leaves one with speculations that there is something hiding in the woodpile that we should know and as of yet do not.

I hope my apprehentions are all unfounded and the light of nothing but positives comes out in the open very soon.

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