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emtnester's Posts

Re: Motion 3 passed

Yes, my proposal was passed only by the concerted effort of the shareholders to become involved and cast their votes...like I've said.... my apologies for not doing this sooner.

Results of the elections I belive will be published on or near 1/25/11 via an SEC filing....

And yes...IMO it is a big win for the shareholders with regards to future BOD elections and their possible outcome.


over 13 years ago
Re: Proposal approved!

Thank you to all for voting for my proposal....I only wish I had done it sooner....but IMO a positive step for the shareholders.

over 13 years ago
Re: Thanks emtnester

You're welcome...hope it benefits us all...of course if it passes it won't be till next year's proxy that it takes effect.

Interesting that they claim that this proposal isn't necessary since the BOD nominees all received more than 47MM votes anyway...well........I can't find last years vote count anywhere but I have the year before though...and three of them look awful close to 50%...

Now if we can get just 2-3% more voting for this proposal we may have some say-so in the upcoming years...but the key is we ALL have to vote...not voting or not returning a vote on the proxy just gives them a vote AGAINST the proposal...which is thier recommendation.

2.Election of Directors:


Votes For

Votes Abstaining

and/or Against

Carlton M. Johnson, Jr.



Helmut Falk, Jr.



Gloria H. Felcyn



Donald E. Schrock



Dharmesh Mistry



almost 14 years ago
Possible PR on reexam for 336

Personal opinion only...but if the Q is going to be as "uninspiring" as I believe it will, I'd rather they do a sole PR on the cancellation of the reexam all by its lonsome tomorrow.

Don't mess up the good news with bad reports...let it get its full impact alone IMO.

almost 14 years ago
Re: I just called the office

IMHO...there is no way that they don't know about this event at the PTO. Usually the parties and/or their lawyers, to these reexams are notified personally by phone or email about any events going to be posted on the PTO site to the tune of anywhere from 24-48 hrs in advance.

At least that's been my experience with the PTO and reexam events/postings.

My apologies if this post comes out in the wrong font size...using the wife's laptop for the first time.

almost 14 years ago
Re-POST of the next Proxy Proposal

For anyone who might have missed it...

Information for all...Action we can participate in...

posted on Sep 17, 10 08:12AM Use the IP Check tool [?]

As many of you might remember I submitted a shareholder proposal to be included on this years proxy regarding majority voting for BOD candidates.

I was informed by the PTSC lawyer yesterday that my proposal WILL BE INCLUDED ON THE NEXT PROXY.

If any of you do not remember the proposal, the following link will take you to my last posting on the subject for all to peruse..


If, as I suspect and have read numerous times on this board, that many of you, if not all, want more input to our selection of BOD members...well here is your chance to vote for something that does just that when the next proxy is sent to us.

I make no inference to my proposal as far as what direction any of you should take in voting for the current board members or not, but I do ask that all of you vote in favor of this proposal just to make it so we have more of a voice in the election of any BOD candidate(s).

If my proposal is passed this could be a very significant development for our company in the forthcoming years IMO.

So please vote....FOR...the proposal when your proxy is received, whether the proxy states a recommendation FOR or AGAINST this proposal.



almost 14 years ago
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