Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to billwilke's message

I've decided to take your advice and not write a novel about JT and RG today. I've been giving it a lot of thought - just what to post - and it all comes down to one (the most important) thing: IMO this change is good for PTSC and us. IMO, there's very little "mystery" to any of this - it is what it is - and I think people are digging too deep to unravel something that appears to be pretty straight-forward. They found a better equipped person for the job. And I'd bet that even JT acknowledges this, and bowed out gracefully.

The only thing I find a little troubling is JT resigning from the BoD. But one could easily read too much into this as well. IMO, he's already made his most valuable contribution, that being identifying candidates for an acquisition (something I believe he was well-equipped to do). What else does he bring to the party? Especially in contrast to Rick.

His complete divorce from PTSC may be as simple as offering Rick a totally clean slate and total comfort in his new position.

Have you ever succeeded someone at work either by taking over the position they had or were strongly vying for? I've been there several times, and it can be very uncomfortable - a critic that's been side-lined that may or may not be taking shots at you, or possibly undermining anything you try to do. They may not do it to you (and you'd think they'd recognize that their ire, if there is any, shouldn't be directed at you), but the threat is there causing that unneeded extra bit of anxiety and stress, and second guessing yourself and looking over your shoulder. JT walking away completely eliminates any of that, and any distress me may harbor if he stayed (i.e., it works both ways).

Uh oh, this is starting to look like a novel!

I'll exit stage left by simply saying that IMO the market will react to these events the same way the vast majority have here: this is good.



PS: Who used to always say "exit, stage left"? Think about it, then scroll down for the answer....

Snagglepuss, on the Huckleberry Hound Show. And our very bright young poster Nez... is saying to himself "what the heck is a snagglepuss? - sounds kinda scary!". LOL

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