Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to gcduck's message

No, this isn't about the events today, though I intend to voice my opinions on them in a later post - probably tomorrow.

This post has to do with the Poison Pill, buy-outs, suggestions of some phantom accumulator(s), etc.

Gcduck provided a thoughtful post about the 'Poison Pill". He hit one of them - the value of the MMP (or half that value). But there are, IMO, several pills in place.

The Master Agreement.

The sheer number of outstanding shares. This is a major impediment to attempting a buyout.

SEC reporting requirements. Can't buy over 5% of OS without reporting. Some suggest that a bunch of people/entities are so engaged. But what happens when they're done, acquiring 50+ %? Do they combine their holdings? If they did, they'd be in a ton of trouble, IMO, because it would then consitute conspiracy, collusion, fraud, and assorted other felonies, as well as SEC violations. But people don't think things through, or do and are slinging FUD.

Gcduck said, after his thoughtful discussion of a strong poison pill, "the current shareprice pattern is for a reason and is not by chance or failure of PTSC". This could be perceived as going right along with the "accumulator" theories, and some posters I greatly respect have suggested that the PPS is being "held down" to enable such accumulation by some "super entity/person".

Meanwhile, IMO, the reason why the PPS stays low or is brought down on news, no matter what, is staring us right in the face - we know it, we acknowledge it, it's the most obvious explanation, yet somehow people manage to reach past it to some explanation that has no basis in fact.

Ever hear of a fella named Swartz? He's been selling. A lot. First to clear the warrants. But we have factual info that tells us, point blank, that he has continued to sell with great vigor. Gosh, ya think maybe THAT is what is holding the PPS down, maybe?

So who's buying the shares to offset his selling? Us! Retail. There simply isn't enough volume to suggest a "trading of shares" between Swartz and The Phantom. And if The Phantom wanted shares, couldn't he/she/it just go directly to Swartz (just like we keep encouraging PTSC to do)? There is zero evidence, IMO, that The Phantom exists.

I do think that there is a strong possibility that Swartz has an "understanding" with PTSC that he'll do his selling with care, and I think he has a "bottom" of 40 cents. We always seem to wind up just a hair above that amount, at least recently. I think that when we drop below that number, Swartz backs off till we get back up there. And I think the evdence supports this theory. Remember, there's nothing we know about that stops Swartz from going nuts, selling en masse without a care. But he doesn't. And, really, it doesn't have to be based on any "understanding" with PTSC - it may just be his game plan. But I could see where PTSC may have bought into such a scheme, with the goal of showing Swartz the door; after all, 40 cents is over ten times the pre-HP lows. Realistically, the long Longs shouldn't be too pissed.

My other gripe is with this "why isn't PTSC promoting itself". First, I must ask, by doing exactly what? Fluff PRs? We know ETrade and others have put trading restrictions on PTSC. Here I must add that ETrade, specifically, has not given the true answer as to why they've put on the restrictions - so don't get hung up on any single answer they give. In my several bitch sessions with them, each time I get a different excuse, or an "I don't know". Veering back, what's the most obvious excuse? Just look at our trading pattern. Flat, news, up, back down. Every time. If you looked no further (from your ETrade office), and didn't know about Swartz, the warrants, etc., what would you think? Classic manipulation/pump and dump?

More to the original point, IMO it's fairly pointless to promote when YOU KNOW the result will always be the same - until Swartz is gone. And if you tried it, the surface level appearance of manipulation would just be reinforced.

Just be very glad that Swartz is on his way out the door, or seemingly so. The magic will come when he's gone. Meanwhile, there's little point in promotion when we got that anchor tied to our tail. It would IMO actually hurt us more than help us. This is where I buy in to Ronran's desired approach - closed door meetings with the right people, where the situation (Swartz) could be fully explained to people who would actually understand it.

My only other gripe is the continuing posts that state something as fact (e.g., "Turley was fired by Swartz") when there is no basis in reality - none. Tonight I went on a reporting rampage on folks I didn't previously have on ignore, and it appears that Agora "gets it" now and is acting appropriately. I find such posts totally deceitful, and intentionally so. This is, IMO, unacceptable and could be the downfall of this forum.

Okay, I got it all out of my system. Now I can ponder today's events unfettered by IMO nonsense.

Look out, another SGE novel is coming tomorrow....about Turley and Rick (I already like the guy - can't be bad with the name Rick! LOL).



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