
Flash-R™ patent portfolio e.Digital's Flash-R™ patent portfolio contains fundamental technology essential to the utilization of flash memory in today's large and growing portable electronic products market.
almost 8 years ago
Re: So
almost 8 years ago
Re: So
almost 8 years ago
Re: So
almost 8 years ago
Re: So
almost 8 years ago

Transparency... same old song and dance or STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN?

Luckily, we have an extremely solid investor base, holding hundreds of millions of shares. Most of us have been here for years. Considering this is an OTC stock, that is almost unheard of and definitely not the norm. Typically, OTC stocks are very volatile and are prone to instability. With that being said....

I personally would like more TRANSPARENCY and not the same old song and dance routine. Supposedly, more independent directors and the audit committee should work for the shareholders and keep management in check. We shall wait and see.

I have one question.....

  • What is e.Digital's strategic direction?.... Did I miss something? If I did, please help me and point me to it. As a shareholder, I can't remember ever being given a STRATEGIC DIRECTION PLAN OF ACTION. Now, we are REFINING IT.... how can you refine something that was never written? I want a copy.... don't you?

Taken from yesterday's Press Release... “Our new Board members are helping to refine our strategic direction with regard to not only our smart home product but also our microSignet and Synap technologies"

  • What is e.Digital's strategic direction?.... So, we have a home solution product in the works, and its being mulled over with great enthusiam... do we have partners? do we have co-branding? Do we have any contracts? What is the PLAN OF ACTION?
  • If e.Digital is going to bring a product to market... it will take STRATEGIC PLANNING. What is the PLAN OF ACTION?
  • MicroSignet-- What is the plan of action and strategic direction for MicroSignet?
  • Synap -- What is the plan of action and strategic direction for Synap?

Oh well, as a shareholder... I would like to know these things. Apparently, I am suppose to TRUST THE COMPANY and have BLIND FAITH that the company has a STRATEGIC DIRECTION PLAN. Although, I do trust the company but I desire it to be a SHARED TRUST. TRUST is a two way street. I certainly understand that N.D.A.'s are in play and confidentiality is of upmost importance. But, if you have a STRATEGIC DIRECTION for the company, it should be shared with the shareholders. I would like to see it, in writing. Bring it on FRED.

Here's a sample of a Strategic Plan of Action.... actually there are lots of action plans... I just picked the first one that popped up on an internet search. Of course, bringing a product to market in a global environment is a momumental task. Hopefully, with careful planning and support from our new directors, we can put this sorta plan into action.

The 11 Step Business Action Plan



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